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John Saboe - Click to enlarge John Saboe - Operator CKNW/ CFMI-FM New Westminster 1980; CHWK Chilliwack 1982; weekend all-nights/ fill-in CKNW/ CFMI-FM 1983; as Big John Buchanan evenings CKLG Vancouver 1986-88; sales manager/ trainer Sleep Country Canada 2002-07; general manager Spence Diamonds 2001-08; sales manager CKNW 2008-12; media executive/ voice-over actor 2012-14; owner Far East Adventure Travel 2014-current.  LinkedIn profile  1987 CKLG RadioWest aircheck 

Omar Sachedina - Click to enlarge Omar Sachedina - Political Science degree McGill University Montreal; Masters in Journalism Columbia University New York; graduate The Poynter Institute St. Petersburg FL; intern Global Television Vancouver and Montreal; CNN International London UK; reporter CTV Northern ON; Citytv/ CP24 Toronto 2006-07; co-host/ reporter (from Toronto) Canada AM Western Edition CTV British Columbia 2007-08; reporter/ anchor CP24 Toronto 2008-09; reporter/ fill-in anchor CTV National News Toronto 2009-current/ Ottawa News Bureau correspondent 2013-current and National Affairs Correspondent 2019-current; recipient RTNDA Canada President's Fellowship 2010. LinkedIn profile

Clay St. Thomas - Click for larger photo Clay St. Thomas - All-nights CKLQ Brandon MB 1980-81; CHAT Medicine Hat AB 1981-82; CJAX-FM Edmonton 1982-83; CKRA-FM Edmonton 1983-89; CJOM-FM/ CIMX-FM Windsor 1989-91; morning host CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1991-97; morning co-host CJJR-FM Vancouver 1997-2022; actor; with CJJR-FM morning co-host Karen Daniels BC Country Music Association Country Music Broadcaster of the Year 2001 & 2002.  LinkedIn profile

Bhinder Sajan - Click to enlarge Bhinder Sajan - BA Sociology Womens Studies Simon Fraser University 1999; associate editor/ office manager Aaj Magazine 1998-99; consulting analyst Caliber Leadership Systems 2003-06; reporter Channel M 2006-07; communications consultant Bhinder Sajan Consulting 2007-11; show host CKYE-FM 93.1 Vancouver 2008;  producer/ backup anchor OMNI TV Vancouver 2008-11; reporter CTV British Columbia 2011-12; reporter/ producer CBC Television Vancouver 2012-14; Legislative Bureau Chief CTV Vancouver 2015-23; Deputy Director of Communications Premier's Office of British Columbia 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Naz Salimian - Click to enlarge Naz Salimian - BCIT Broadcast Program trainee; morning news writer Global TV Vancouver; host Inside Morning, Hollywood Star, and In Style Pyramid Productions Calgary; Vancouver correspondent entertainment newsmagazine Inside E Global Television Network 2001-05; entertainment reporter/ host community events calendar Out There BCTV/ Global Vancouver 2002-05

Jasmina Sambol - Click for recent enlargement Jasmina Sambol - Aka Jasmina; Columbia Academy School of Broadcasting graduate; Skywards Traffic Vancouver; CKWX Vancouver; CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler; CKSR-FM/ CFSR-FM Chilliwack/ Abbotsford; news/ traffic reporter CFBT-FM Vancouver current

Zane Sampson - Click to enlarge Zane Sampson - CKBX 100 Mile House BC 1975-81; CKNL Fort St. John BC 1982; CKXR Salmon Arm BC 1983; CIRX-FM Prince George 1983-85; CFVR Abbotsford 1986-87; CIRX-FM 1987-89; CKCQ Quesnel 1990; CKLZ-FM Kelowna 1990-91; CJAT Trail 1992-93; CKKQ-FM Victoria 1993; CFMI-FM Vancouver 1996; CFOX-FM Vancouver 1997-2000; CKIK-FM Calgary 2001; CJAY-FM Calgary 2001; CJZN-FM Victoria 2003; music director CJSU-FM Duncan 2003-07; music director CKPM-FM Port Moody 2008-13 (on air p.m. drive 2012-13).  LinkedIn profile

Gurneet Samra - Click to enlarge
Gurneet Samra - BCIT Broadcast and Online Journalism graduate  2018;  Family Support worker (summer school) Options Community Services Society Surrey 2009;  Office Administrator Total Fleet Solutions Inc. Surrey 2010-15;  Behavioural Interventionist Simply Speech Inc. Surrey 2014-17; multimedia reporter CHAT-TV Medicine Hat AB 2017-18;  news/ traffic anchor/ radio host CJRJ Vancouver 2016-19;  Communications Specialist BC Securities Commission 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile

Dr. Joti Samra Dr. Joti Samra - PhD Clinical-Forensic Psychology Simon Fraser University; Adjunct Professor Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University 2005-11; Chair BC Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards Committee 2006-12; Steering Committee Member CHMA BC Division's annual Bottom Line Conference for Mental Health in the Workplace 2006-12; President & Board Member British Columbia Psychological Association 2007-11; Adjunct Professor Adler School of Professional Psychology 2007-12; Professional Speaker LifeSpeak Inc. 2007-current; Clinical Expert, Animal Planet's Confessions: Animal Hoarding GRB Entertainment 2010-12; Columnist Ask the Psychologist The Globe and Mail 2010-current; TV Host & Psychological Expert Million Dollar Neighbourhood OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network 2011-current; Clinical Expert Spokesperson and Community Fund Advisory Member, Bell Media Let's Talk Day 2011-current; Psychological Consultant The Bachelor Canada CityTV Network 2012; Program Lead Centre for Psychological Health Sciences University of Fredericton 2014-current; regular weekly guest CISF-FM Surrey 2016-current. LinkedIn profile

Eric Sanderson - Click to enlarge Eric (Sandy) Sanderson - Writer Canadian Press Vancouver for 14 years 1930s-40s; Vancouver Province; editorial positions Victoria Colonist,  Vancouver News Herald 1950-52 and Prince Rupert Daily News 1952-54; provincial editor Canadian Press Vancouver 1955; News and Special Events Director CKWX Vancouver circa 1955-56; founder Vancouver Board of Trade newsletter Sounding Board; editor Vancouver Times 1961; journalism instructor Vancouver City College; editor Lions Gate Times 1967; publisher/ editor Hospitality Canada 1970; founding member Toronto Press Club and president Newsman’s Club of B.C.  Died in Vancouver August 20, 1988 at age 74

Lundy Sanderson early 1950s - Click for later enlargement Lundy Sanderson - CFJC Kamloops; host Nite Shift CJVI Victoria 1953; CKWX Vancouver 1960s; one of founding faculty members 1964 and department head Broadcast Communications BCIT 1974-85; led founding of Broadcast Educators Association of Canada late 1970s; retired in Qualicum Beach B.C.  Died in Nanaimo April 27, 2007 at age 77.

Neil Sanderson mid 1990s - Click to enlarge Neil Sanderson - Announcer CKPT Peterborough ON 1976; announcer CKX Brandon 1977; news CFRW Winnipeg 1977-78; announcer CKRC Winnipeg 1979-80; announcer CBC Winnipeg 1981; news CKWX/ CJAZ-FM/ CKKS-FM Vancouver 1983-87; broadcasting trainer/ consultant South Pacific and South Africa 1988-1999; announcer KOOL-93 Auckland New Zealand 1995; Editor (online edition of the New Zealand Herald) 2000-06.  Neil Sanderson website

Nick Sands CJVB - Click for alternate photos Nick Sands (Nicodemo Vincenzo Sanzalone) - Librarian/ operator/ announcer CJAT Trail BC 1953; on air CKMO/ CFUN Vancouver 1953-58; CHBC-TV Kelowna 1958; announcer CKWX Vancouver 1958-72; announcer CJVB Vancouver 1972-late 1990s.  Died in Vancouver February 27, 2013 at age 80.  Early 1970s backgrounder

Eric Sannes - Click to enlarge Eric Sannes - CJOR Vancouver 1982-86; CFFM-FM Williams Lake BC 1987-current. LinkedIn profile

Simi Sara - Click to enlarge Simi Sara - Langara College Journalism Program graduate; associate producer, health reporter, writer and news anchor CKVU-TV Vancouver 1993-2009; morning anchor Breakfast Television Citytv Vancouver 2002-03; host CityCooks Citytv; co-anchor CityPulse News 2003-09; British Columbia Association of Broadcasters Broadcaster Performer of the Year 2003; co-host Breakfast Television Citytv 2005-08; morning host CFUN Vancouver 2009; afternoon host CKNW Vancouver 2011-20; morning host current CKNW 2020-current; Simon Fraser University Outstanding Alumni Award 2021. Twitter page

Bob Sargent - Click to enlarge Bob Sargent - Reporter CKNW New Westminster; news CJJC Langley circa 1977; real estate. Died early 1990s.

Frank (Zbigniew) Sasin - Click to enlarge
Frank (Zbigniew) Sasin - Bachelor's degree Communication & Journalism Western University London ON; on-air host CFGO Ottawa 1979-80; host Countdown Canada on stations coast-to-coast 1979; CFFR Calgary 1980s; host nationally syndicated evening program Lovin’, Lyin’ or Leaving CKWX-AM Vancouver mid 1980s-96; sports CIWW Ottawa; CJWL-FM Ottawa; voiced hundreds of commercials, educational training videos and corporate narrations; actor Kanata Theatre and Ottawa Little Theatre. Died in Ottawa August 8, 2019 at age 68

Niki Saunders - Click to enlarge
Niki Saunders - Graduate Columbia Academy Broadcast Performing Arts program 2010;  94.5 Snow Squad Volunteer CFBT-FM Vancouver 2006-07; cruiser/ swing announcer CFFM-FM/ CKBZ-FM Kelowna 2010-12; announcer/ digital content editor CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2012; CJJR-FM Vancouver 2013-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Drew Savage - Click for larger photo Drew Savage - Aka Andy Rogers; morning host London ON; p.m. drive CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2003 and morning co-host 2004-14; morning co-host CHQM-FM Vancouver 2014-current 

Nicole Savage - Click to enlarge
Nicole Savage - Afternoon drive co-host CJJR-FM Vancouver to 2022 then morning co-host 2022-current

Eve Savory - Click for larger photo Eve Savory - Legislative/ city hall reporter CHQM Vancouver 1973-74; CBC Radio Ottawa 1975-76; regional parliamentary reporter CBOT Ottawa 1976-79; national TV reporter CBC-TV Saskatchewan 1979-81 and Alberta 1981-83; medicine/ science/ technology reporter The National CBC Toronto 1983-91; B.C. Science Council established annual Eve Savory Award for Science Communication 1990; environmental specialist The National CBC Vancouver 1991-94 and environment and science documentary reporter 1994-current; recipient of numerous awards

Judy Savoy 1979 - Click for recent photo Judy Savoy - Weather/ host/ interviewer CFPV-TV London ON 1976; weather broadcaster/ story editor CBC Calgary 1979; weather broadcaster/ relief host CKVU-TV Vancouver circa 1980; anchor/ summer relief/ host Ice Fever CBC Halifax; arts and entertainment reporter/ host CBC-TV and Radio Halifax; weather broadcaster CBC Evening News Halifax; host/ interviewer/ writer 3M Canada in-house videos; commercials Nova Scotia Tourism; host/ interviewer Images of You Live pilot Internet and TV; host/ interviewer Images of You Live television Christmas Special; co-director of music and liturgical arts St. Thomas Aquinas Canadian Martyrs Church Halifax 2011-current.  LinkedIn profile

Cornel Sawchuck - Click to enlarge
Cornel Sawchuk - Announcer CKRM Regina 1951-52; announcer CFQC Saskatoon 1952-54; announcer/ chief announcer CFQC-TV Saskatoon 1954-56; announcer/ news reader CJOR Vancouver 1956-61; announcer CHQM Vancouver 1961-63; sales/ sales manager/ manager/ VP and minority shareholder East Kootenay Broadcasting (CKEK Cranbrook/ CFEK Fernie and Kootenay Broadcasting (CJAT/ CJAT-FM Trail) 1963-75 (sold interest in companies 1977); GM Tamarack Shopping Centre Cranbrook 1978-87; operations manager Surrey Mall 1987-90; GM Richmond Centre for Markborough Properties 1990-93; retired and moved to Nanoose Bay BC 1995; operator Treetops Vacation Rental Nanoose Bay

Katharine Sawchuk - Click to enlarge Katharine Sawchuk - Langara College Vancouver journalism program graduate 2006; reporter Metro Vancouver 2006-07; research intern Global B.C.2007; producer CKNW Vancouver and traffic reporter CHMJ Vancouver 2006-08; writer/ reporter/ traffic anchor CKWX Vancouver 2008-10; intern Edelman Vancouver 2010; media relations coordinator Riversol Skin Care Inc. Vancouver 2011; media relations coordinator Sip Publicity Vancouver 2011; PR consultant various clients Vancouver 2010-13; media manager Doi Chaang Coffee Co. Vancouver 2012-14; contract audio and radio instructor Simon Fraser University 2013-current; writer multiple publications 2013-current.  LinkedIn profile

Tim Sawyer - Click to enlarge Tim Sawyer - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate (radio) 1983; overnight show/ news/ sports/ copywriter CJJC Langley 1982-84; overnight show/ technical production CJOR Vancouver 1984-88; freelance technical production CKWX Vancouver 1989-90; freelance technical production CFMI-FM/ CKNW Vancouver 1990-98; retired from radio

Richard Saxton - Click for 1980 CKVU Sports Page photo Richard Saxton - Hockey play-by-play 1973-77 & President 1975-77 University of British Columbia Radio CYVR and obtained CITR call letters for UBC Radio and applied for cable licence 1975; producer CKNW New Westminster 1974; all-night operator CKLG-FM 1974; news CJVB Vancouver 1974 & again 1975; DJ CJJC Langley 1975; CKWX Vancouver 1976; first sportscaster/ UBC & SFU Football play-by-play CKVU-TV Vancouver 1976; DJ (and news as Rick Douglas) CKDA Victoria 1977; first reporter Sports Page 1977 and senior anchor Sports Page/ sports anchor 1st News at 5 1978-82 CKVU-TV; all-night DJ CFUN Vancouver 1978; weekend news CKLG AM 1978; sportscaster KGTV (ABC) San Diego 1983-85; senior anchor Financial News Network Los Angeles 1988-91; anchor/ Chief Editor KWHY-TV The Business Channel Los Angeles 1991-2000; numerous TV credits including The West Wing 2001-02 and pilot for Numb3rs 2005;  business reporter KFWB Los Angeles 2000-06; freelancer/ automotive multimedia journalist current

Bob Saye - Click to enlarge Bob Saye - Radio broadcast program Humber College Toronto; CILQ-FM Toronto 1977-80; CFOX-FM Vancouver 1980-87; CFMI-FM Vancouver 1987-99; co-host Weekend Edition 1999-2001 and host Talk to the Experts 2001-03 CKNW Vancouver; CFL BC Lions PA announcer 1994-2012; morning co-host CKST Vancouver 2003; morning drive host CKBD Vancouver 2003-08; p.m. drive CJJR-FM Vancouver 2008-13; p.m. drive CJKX-FM Ajax ON 2013-22; retired from radio

Peter Schaad - Click to enlarge Peter Schaad - Broadcast Arts/ Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/ Technician Columbia Academy Vancouver 1987; mornings/ news CJAV Port Alberni 1989-95; morning show host CKXM/ CKXM-FM Victoria 1995-2001; BC Country Music Association Greg Sherrett Country Broadcaster of the Year 1999 & 2000; part-time instructor Columbia Academy Broadcast Arts 2001-11; morning co-host/ production CKST Vancouver 2003; morning show producer CHQM-FM Vancouver 2003-08; colour commentator Sportsnet Whitecaps This Week and USL on Fox Sportsworld to 2005; play-by-play commentator Vancouver Whitecaps CKST 2005, CHMJ Vancouver 2006 and CKST 2007-10; p.m. drive host CKPK-FM Vancouver 2008-11; play-by-play Vancouver Whitecaps FC CKST 2011-18; MLS play-by-play commentator TSN 2014-20; Marketing & Communications Officer BC Soccer 2018-23; self-employed host Holy Trinity Show Aston Villa South Delta/ Birmingham UK 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Yvonne Schalle - Click to enlarge
Yvonne Schalle - Communications graduate Simon Fraser University; entertainment reporter/ producer Rogers TV Peel Region Ontario; producer/ weather forecaster Shaw TV Calgary; weather & traffic anchor Citytv Toronto 2011-13; meteorologist Global BC 2013-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Vincent Schattenkirk, now Vincent David Jericho - Click for alternate photo Vincent Schattenkirk - Maple Leaf Media/ CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1981; Station Manager/ talk host CFNI Port Hardy BC 1984; overnight news WIN/ CKNW New Westminster 1989; anchor/ play-by-play/ host Shaw Cable New Westminster 1989; TV/ radio anchor CKPG Prince George 1989-90; sales CKPG Radio 1991-95; sales WMEZ Pensacola FL 1997; Sales Manager WVNN/ WUMP Huntsville AL 1998; Sales Manager KFUN Columbia MO 2000; talk host KFRU Columbia MO 2001-02; as Vincent David Jericho talk host WSPT Stevens Point-Wausau WI 2002-04; talk host/ Program Director KSGF Springfield MO 2004-undated

Ted Schellenberg - Click to enlarge Ted Schellenberg - BCIT Broadcast graduate 1972; CHNL Kamloops 1972-75; CFAX Victoria 1975-76; CFVR Abbotsford 1976-81; launched CKEG in Nanaimo with Bob Adshead 1981; elected Progressive Conservative MP Nanaimo-Alberni 1984; media relations BC Gas 1990-96; news anchor CKWX Vancouver 1996-2000; media relations MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Vancouver 2000-05; University of BC e-Strategy Communications 2005-current

Terry Schintz - Click to enlarge Terry Schintz - BCIT Broadcast graduate 1988; CHQR Calgary; CKWX Vancouver 1996; afternoon news/ talk show fill-in host circa 1998-2011 then Radio News Manager CKNW Vancouver 2011-20; Morning Anchor/ Managing Editor CKWX 2020-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Cole Schisler - Click to enlarge
Cole Schisler - Editor Ladysmith Chronicle 2019-21; Provincial Reporter Black Press Media Surrey 2021-22; anchor CKWX Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Ann Schmaltz - Click to enlarge

Rhianna Schmunk - Click to enlarge
Rhianna Schmunk - BCIT Broadcast and Online Journalism Diploma 2015; Intern CKNW Vancouver 2013; Intern Global News Kelowna 2014; Intern Global News Kelowna 2014; Intern The Huffington Post BC Vancouver 2014; Video Journalist ViaSport Prince George 2015; Promotions Team Vancouver Whitecaps FC Vancouver 2014-16; Associate Editor The Huffington Post Vancouver 2015-16; Freelance Writer Montecristo Magazine Vancouver 2017-current; Web Writer/ Reporter CBC/ Radio-Canada Vancouver 2016-current; senior writer national CBC digital team 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Mark Schneider - Click for larger photo Mark Schneider - Established one of Canada's first community radio stations in Alert Bay BC 1975; senior reporter CBC Television and broadcaster CBC Radio; Ottawa Bureau Chief BCTV Vancouver 1989-94; CAN PRO Show Case award 1992; member Canadian Association of Broadcasters New Media Task Force; appointed to Canada's Smart Communities Initiative by Industry Minister John Manley 1999; Vancouver Bureau Chief CTV National News; host weekly CTV National News spirituality and ethics feature Horizons 2001; on-line developer CTV Vancouver to 2008                     

David Schreck - Click to enlarge David Schreck - Regional Manager and CEO Vancouver Resources Board 1975-77; NDP MLA North Vancouver Lonsdale 1991-96; Special Advisor to the Premier of British Columbia 1998-99 and 2000-01; political commentator Rafe Mair Show CKBD Vancouver 2003-05 and CFAX Victoria circa 2010-13; retired.  LinkedIn profile

Ted Schredd - Click for larger photo Ted Schredd - Multimedia Vancouver Film School 2001; author/ speaker/ fun researcher; cycling radio traffic reporter CKZZ-FM Vancouver late 1990s; co-host Vancouver Breakfast VTV Vancouver late 1990s; owner 2000-09; author Gramma Knows the F Word 2002; Researching Inspiration 2009-current; Fun Researcher 2002-10; author 2011-current; writing third book Smart Ass Buddha Vancouver 2013-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Elaine Scollan - Click to enlarge Elaine Scollan - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; CKEK Cranbrook; CISL Vancouver; afternoon news/ traffic CKBD/ CJJR-FM Vancouver 1994-2008; senior associate Lewco Consulting Coquitlam 2004-current; a.m. drive news CKPK-FM Vancouver 2008-09; morning traffic reporter Canadian Traffic Network/ CKNW Vancouver 2010-16; Freelance Voice Brentwood Bay BC 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Cam Scott - News CKLG AM/ FM Vancouver late 1960s, news CJOR Vancouver early 1970s; program director CKLG-FM Vancouver circa 1972; CKPG Prince George circa 1976; first news director CKO-FM-4 Vancouver -1978

Gerry Scott - Religious music program CJOR Vancouver late 1950s-early 60s; Sunday religious program CKLG Vancouver mid 1960s; owner Word Records Vancouver

Graham Scott - Click to enlarge Graham Scott - Son of UK DJ Roger Scott of Radio London/ Capitol Radio/ BBC fame; CFOX-FM Vancouver 1991-97; weekend evenings CFOX-FM 1996-97; fill-in/ nights CFOX-FM 1997-99; web producer/ on air fill-in CFOX-FM 2001-02; co-host Off the Radar CHMJ Vancouver 2003-04; weekends CHDI-FM Edmonton 2006-07; morning drive CKER-FM Edmonton 2007; weekends CHDI-FM 2007-11.  Died in Edmonton June 18, 2011 at age 38

Morley Scott - Click to enlarge Morley Scott - Sports/ play by play CHLW St. Paul AB 1984-85; sports CKBI Prince Albert SK 1985-87; Sports Director CFCW/ CKRA FM Edmonton 1987-1995; sports and Edmonton Oilers colour analyst CHED Edmonton 1992-97; colour analyst Oilers Radio Network (working in-house for Oilers team) CHED 1997-2008; Director Broadcast and Media Relations/ play by play Vancouver Giants CISL Vancouver 2009-10; play-by-play Edmonton Eskimos 2010-current

Rebecca Scott - Click to enlarge Rebecca Scott - BCIT Broadcast program graduate 2007; news anchor/ talk show host CFAX Victoria 2007-08; reporter/ talk show producer CKNW Vancouver 2008-11; communications officer and deputy press secretary for BC Premier Victoria 2011-12; Public Affairs Officer Province of British Columbia 2012-15; Director Global Public Affairs Vancouver 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Richard Scott - Click to enlarge
Richard Scott - News reader CKEY Toronto 1957; news CKY Winnipeg late 1950s; news CKWX Vancouver early 1960s; CJGX Yorkton SK; CKXL Calgary 1964-65; CHUM Toronto late 1969-73; fill-in news CJRT Toronto early 1980s.  CHUM audio courtesy Bud Riley Radio website

Historic Rick Scott photo - Click for recent CBC Music photo
Rick Scott - Pioneered independent rogue folk music in B.C. as folk trio Pied Pumpkin with Shari Ulrich and Joe Mock 1970s; first Switchback host CBC Vancouver 1981; has performed in nine countries and released 18 recordings; three Juno nominations and Canadian Folk Music, Parents’ Choice, NAPPA Gold and Children’s Music Web Awards for his eight children’s albums; released 4-CD musical audio novel The Great Gazzoon – A Tall Tale with Tunes and Turbulence 2012; Goodwill Ambassador for Down Syndrome Research Foundation current.  CBC Music bio 

Sheila Scott - Click to enlarge Sheila Scott - Reporter/ Anchor CFAX Victoria 2008; Graduate BCIT Broadcast Journalism program 2009; Reporter/ Anchor CKWX Vancouver 2009-11; Reporter/ Associate Assignment Editor CTV British Columbia 2011-21; Communications Strategist Burnaby RCMP 2021-current.  LinkedIn Profile 

Kim Seale - Click to enlarge Kim Seale - Community cruiser/ traffic reporter CKXY Vancouver 1990-92; road condition reporter BC Interior stations Provincial Highways Communcation Centre 1992-2003; airborne traffic reporter CKWX/ CKLG-FM Vancouver 2003-13; morning drive co-host CFMI-FM Vancouver 2014-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Matt Sekeres - Click to enlarge Matt Sekeres - Bachelor's degree in journalism and mass communications Carleton University Ottawa 2001; sports columnist Ottawa Citizen 2002-mid 2000s; Ottawa sports correspondent then B.C. sports correspondent The Globe and Mail to 2011; sports talk host CKST Vancouver 2010-21; sports talk podcast 2021-current

Larry Sell - 2015 photo - Click to enlarge
Larry Sell - Evening news CJOR Vancouver 1970s; news CKO-FM-4 Vancouver; CKLG Vancouver; CHQM Vancouver; morning news anchor CHRX/ CJJR-FM Vancouver 1990-92; news KNUU Paradise NV late 1990s; died October 20, 2024 at age 82 in Laughlin, NV.

Shana Selwyn - Click to enlarge Shana Selwyn - Copywriter/ on-air traffic CKLG/ CFOX-FM Vancouver 1986-89; morning traffic/ co-host Larry & Willy Show CFOX-FM 1989-98; traffic fill-in CISL/ CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1998-99; copywriter/ announcer Talking Yellow Pages Vancouver 1999-2003 and Marketing Communications Yellow Pages 2004-07; freelance/ talk show host fill-in CFUN Vancouver 2007-09; narrator Descriptive Video Works 2008-current; Ground Transportation Dispatcher NBC Olympics 2010; creative director CHHR-FM Vancouver 2011-12

Larry Semkew - Click to enlarge Larry Semkew - CBC Vancouver 1980s; Production Manager CFOX-FM Vancouver mid 1990s; Program Director CKLG Vancouver circa 2000; radio station and concert tour imaging; has produced concert tour advertising for Bryan Adams, Sarah McLachlan, Martina McBride, Barenaked Ladies and others; head of Concertspots Productions current  

Lina Setaghian - Click to enlarge
Lina Setaghian - BCIT Radio Television and Digital Communication graduate 2017; Promotions Coordinator Bell Media Vancouver 2018; media relations Vancouver Canadians Baseball Club 2019; producer CKST Vancouver 2019; producer/ operator/ co-host CISL Vancouver 2019-current; sports reporter CityNews Vancouver 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Tom Sewell - Click to enlarge courtesy North Shore News Tom Sewell - Operator of Sewell's Marina at Horseshoe Bay; weather and fishing reports CKLG Vancouver early 1960s

Mike Shaeffer - Click to enlarge Mike Shaeffer - Began radio career in home town of Lake Havasu City AZ; Minnesota; morning host Air 1 Radio Network based in Rocklin CA 2000-07; morning co-host CHQM-FM Vancouver 2009-14.  LinkedIn profile 

Don Shafer - Click to enlarge Don Shafer - Journalism, University of California, Berkeley 1970; on-air announcer KQV & WEEP Pittsburgh, US Armed Forces Radio, KNAC-FM, KPPC-FM, KLOS-FM, KUSC-FM Los Angeles, CHOM-FM Montreal, & CHUM-FM Toronto 1964-1976; PD CKLG-FM/ CFOX-FM Vancouver 1976-85; PD CFMI-FM Vancouver 1985-87; President & GM CILQ-FM/ CFGM/ CHOG Toronto 1987-92; Senior VP Radio, Pelmorex Communications Inc. Toronto 1992-June 1997; VP/ GM Torstar Media Group Television Toronto June 1997-2003; Canadian Association of  Broadcasters Quarter Century Club 2002; VP & GM Standard Broadcasting BC Interior Group 2003-13; Interim GM The Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Winnipeg 2013-14; Managing Partner Hamilton Media Group Kelowna 2013-current; President & CEO Roundhouse Radio 2014-18 and Impact host CIRH-FM Vancouver 2015-18; Adjunct Teaching Staff Kwantlen Polytechnic University Surrey 2018-19; Student Editor Ormsby Review for SFU GLS Journal 2019; part time Adjunct Instructor BCIT Burnaby  2019; Co-Founder/ Executive Producer The Conversation Lab podcast 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile

Satiar Shah - Click to enlarge
Satiar Shah (Shahrokhzadeh) - Promotions CKZZ-FM/ CISL Vancouver circa 2007; news/ sports/morning co-host CFXE-FM Edson AB 2007-10; operator/ producer CFMI-FM/ CFOX-FM Vancouver 2010; long-time morning show producer CKST Vancouver to 2017; host/ producer CISL Vancouver 2017-current 

Trevor Shand - Click for larger photo Trevor Shand - Broadcast graduate Algonquin College Ottawa 1998; Splashdown guitarist/ bassist (Capitol Records) Boston MA 1998-2000; commercial producer CHUM Radio Group Ottawa 2000; morning show producer/ swing CISS-FM Toronto 2001-03; imaging producer/ weekend jock/ morning show swing/ host of xtraloud CKVX-FM Vancouver 2003-04; imaging producer/ host Vancouver Chills CKCL-FM Vancouver 2004-05; production director/ writer/ voice overs KROQ-FM Los Angeles 2005-current

Pia Shandel - Click to enlarge Pia Shandel - Teen model/ actor; host/ interviewer/ location producer/ reporter Vancouver Show CKVU-TV Vancouver 1975-85; talk show host CFUN Vancouver 1996-2005; Chair Person The Dance Centre 2006-07; Contributing Editor FQ Magazine 2007-current; partner GO2 Productions Inc. 2009-current; Founding Partner Vidua Entertainment Vancouver 2011-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Rick Shannon CKLG circa 1978 - Click to enlarge Rick Shannon - Overnight host CJAV Port Alberni 1974-75; announcer/ producer/ operator CKLG AM/ FM Vancouver 1975-76; announcer CKLG-FM 1977; announcer all nights/ evenings/ days/ mornings CFOX-FM 1978-85; announcer/ music director CFOX-FM 1983-85; music director/ assistant program director CFOX-FM/ CKLG 1985-87; program director CFMI-FM Vancouver 1987-93; manager Rock Radio Network CILQ-FM Toronto 1993; Shannon Starr Communications and the CIA (Creative Intelligence Agency) Langley, BC 1994 on

Steve Shannon - Click to enlarge
Steve Shannon (Steven Castonguay) - Radio school and broadcast consultancy (Intra-Radio) Montréal for many years; CFOX Montréal; CFTR Toronto; CKGM Montréal (4 different occasions, 1970s and mid-'80s); CFCF Montréal; CHAM Hamilton; CKTB/ CJQR/ CHTZ St. Catharines ON; CHVR Pembroke ON; CJMO Moncton; CKXL Calgary; CKNG Edmonton; public speaking coaching business for executives (Dynamically Speaking) Vancouver; CIMA Vancouver circa 1980; owner CHLW-FM Barriere BC 2013-17.  Died December 26, 2018 in St-Jérôme, Québec at age 71

Scott Shantz - Click to enlarge
Scott Shantz - Aka Scooter; morning show producer CHQM-FM Vancouver to 2017; morning show co-host CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2018-20; morning show co-host/ producer/ programmer CISF-FM Surrey 2020-22; producer The Mike Smyth Show CKNW Vancouver 2022; morning show producer CFBT-FM Vancouver 2022-23; Weekend Mornings host CKNW 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Ish Sharma - Click to enlarge
Ish Sharma - BCIT Broadcast program 2013; Associate Producer On the Coast CBC Radio Vancouver 2011; researcher CTV Vancouver 2012; host Buzz Around Town Joytv (CHNU-TV) Fraser Valley 2012-14; News Director/ morning talk show host/ producer/ weather anchor/ reporter CJRJ Vancouver 2013-16; traffic/ news/ sports CISF-FM Surrey 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile  

Dag Sharman - Click for larger photo Dag Sharman - Broadcast journalist diploma Canadore College North Bay ON; CKNY-TV North Bay; CKND-TV Winnipeg mid 1990s; news anchor/ money specialist CKVU/ CityPulse News Citytv Vancouver 1997-2006; reporter CTV British Columbia 2006-08; spokesperson BC Hydro Vancouver 2008-10 and manager of community relations for Thompson, Okanagan and Columbia regions 2010-current

Barry Sharpe - Click to enlarge Barry Sharpe - Copy/ features/ sports Canadian Press Toronto 1958-62; news & sports Ontario radio & TV: CKWS Kingston, CKLW Windsor, CKOC Hamilton, CJRN Niagara Falls 1962-70; audio/ visual consultant Creative House & ICBC Vancouver 1972-78; sports CKNW New Westminster 1978-80; media director BC PGA 1980-83; Sports Page golf show CKVU-TV Vancouver 1980; West Coast Golf show CHQM/ CHQM-FM Vancouver 1981-92; retired 1993-2001; owner/ broadcaster BC Golf News 2003-2014; co-host (with Bill Wilms) international radio program The Christian Athlete: My Story 2014-current

John Sharpe CKWX  circa 1952 - Click to enlarge John Sharpe - CKWX Vancouver 1950s; news editor CKLG North Vancouver 1955; staff announcer/ morning show Sharpe at Six CBC radio Vancouver early 1960s

Bob Sharples CFGP Grande Prairie - Click fo rrecent photo Bob Sharples - CFGP Grande Prairie AB 1962-67; staff announcer/ host CBC radio/ television Vancouver 1967-99; retired from CBC 1999. Died in North Vancouver January 26, 2023 at age 85.  Early 1997 audio clip

J.B. Shayne - Click for 1971 colour photo J.B. Shayne - Aka Captain Midnight, Raoul Casablanca, Chuck Stake, Reverend Rock etc; CFJC and TV dance program CFJC-TV Kamloops 1964-65; CKLG-FM Vancouver 1966-68; all-nights CKLG Vancouver 1968-69; "Candlelight and Swine" evenings then news CKVN Vancouver 1969-70 then all-nights CKVN/ CFUN Vancouver 1970-73; CKLG-FM 1973-76; commercial production 1977-78; host Cable 4 video program Nite Dreems 1979-81; host Neon Nights CBC Radio Vancouver 1981-82; host Nite Visions Cable TV Superchannel 1982-85; weekends then a.m. drive CHRX Vancouver 1989-91; CKST Langley/ Vancouver 1991-93; as his son Nimrod co-host with John Tanner Son of Nite Dreems CITR-FM Vancouver 2005-09.  1982 JB Shayne audio

Brent Shearer - Click to enlarge Brent Shearer - BA graduate UBC 2001; BCIT Broadcast graduate 2008; reporter/ anchor CKNW Vancouver 2006-08; Editor The Link student newspaper BCIT Student Association Burnaby 2007-08; Nanaimo videographer CIVI-TV Victoria 2008-10; news reporter CTV Vancouver 2010-13 and co-host CTV Morning Live 2013-17; Media Relations Consultant Vancity 2017-19; Senior Media Relations Advisor Insurance Corporation of British Columbia 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile

Dave Sheldon - Click for larger photo Dave Sheldon - Colour commentator WHL Everett Silvertips KRKO Everett 2003-06; play by play then Director of Broadcasting and Media Relations WHL Chilliwack Bruins Shaw Cable 2006-08; play by play WHL Vancouver Giants CISL Vancouver 2008-09; Director of Communications and Broadcast AHL Abbotsford Heat 2009-11; Sportstalk Weekend host CKNW Vancouver 2011-15; p.m. drive and Sheldon on Sports host CKPM-FM Port Moody 2016; Program Director/ talk show host CISF-FM Surrey 2017; talk show host CISL Vancouver 2017-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Bill Sheppard - aka Bill Seguin; Broadcast News Toronto 1970s; Montreal; News Director CKFH Toronto late 1970s; News/ Program Director CKO-FM-2 Toronto early 1979-82; News Director CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1982-83; CHQM Vancouver 1983

Jerry Sherman - Play-by-play/ colour commentator Vancouver Canadians baseball CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1979-80; sports talk show host CJOR Vancouver 1981

Tetsuro Shigematsu - Click for larger photo Tetsuro Shigematsu - Wrtter/ performer Rising Son Montreal/ Boston/ Los Angeles/ Tokyo 1993-96; actor TV movie Rinko The Best Bad Thing 1996; producer Asian youth TV program La La Pan-Asia 1997; former writer This Hour Has 22 Minutes CBC-TV Toronto; feature film actor Yellow Fellas 2004; member Canada's comedy group Hot Sauce Posse current; host The Roundup CBC Radio One National Vancouver 2004-05; news CBC Vancouver 2005-current

Jack Short - Click for larger photo Jack Short (John Richard Collister Short) - Jockey 1920s; race recreations with dubbed in sound effects CKMO Vancouver 1933; Voice of the Races 1934-76, called nearly 50,000 horse races at Lansdowne, Brighouse, Colwood, The Willows and Hastings race tracks mostly at CJOR Vancouver; retired 1982; Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame inductee 1987; BC Sports Hall of Fame 2001; honoured media inductee Greater Victoria Sports Hall of Fame 2009.  Died in Victoria August 4, 1992 at age 84.  Jack Short horse race audio    

John Shorthouse - Click to enlarge John Shorthouse - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; writer/ reporter and sports host CKVU-TV Vancouver; Canucks hockey play-by-play Sportsnet Pacific and pay-per-view 1999-current; Canucks play-by-play CKNW Vancouver to 2006; morning co-host CHMJ Vancouver 2005-06; Canucks play-by-play CKST Vancouver 2006-17

Sherv Shragge - Click to enlarge
Sherv Shragge - Photo-journalist graduate Brook's Institute of Photography Santa Barbara CA; News Director CJAV Port Alberni 1957-59; news editor CKLG Vancouver 1959-60; beat reporter/ investigative reporter/ news editor CKNW New Westminster 1960-65; Marketing Manager Shragge Steel Regina 1965-74; news editor CKRM Regina; talk show host CKCK Regina 1974-78; producer/ director/ host Shragge's Journal host Reach for the Top/ Executive Drama Producer including The Snowbirds at 20 CBC-TV Regina 1979-91; freelance commentaries CJME Regina and real estate sales 1991-94; News Director CKCI Parksville and newspaper columnist 1995-2001; retired and living in Parksville BC

Gurpreet Sian - Click to enlarge Gurpreet Sian - Co-host of TV Show Punjabi Vibes Shaw Multicultural Channel 2001-current; morning show host/ producer Radio India KVRI Blaine 2003; host/ producer/ Punjabi music director CJRJ Vancouver 2005-current; host South Asian Beat on North by Northwest CBC Radio Vancouver 2012

Jawad Siddiqui
Jawad Siddiqui - News anchor ATV Pakistan 2007-08; anchor/ producer Dunya News Pakistan 2008-14; news anchor/ producer Pakistan Television Corporation 2014; anchor/ correspondent Dawn News Pakistan 2014-18; communications consultant HEC/ ComsTECH/ GoP Pakistan 2018-19; news reporter/ copy-writer/ talk-show host CJCN-FM Surrey BC 2019-21; news reporter OMNI Television Vancouver 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Sonia Sidhu - Click to enlarge
Sonia Sidhu - Morning host CHSU-FM Kelowna 2011-14; morning host CKPK-FM Vancouver 2014-16 and middays CKQQ-FM Kelowna 2016; morning host with Kevin Lim CKKS-FM Vancouver 2017-22

Daniel Sieberg - Click to enlarge Daniel Sieberg - Video game review host BC CTV Vancouver; feature/ technology reporter Vancouver Sun 1998-2000; Rafe Mair Award for Excellence in Journalism 1999; technology correspondent and host of Next@CNN CNN/ U.S and CNN Headline News 2000-current

Susan Sierra - Click to enlarge Susan Sierra - Swing announcer CJIB Vernon 1985-89; overnights then p.m. drive CISL Vancouver 1989-92; midday host CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1992-93; midday host CJJR-FM Vancouver 1993-2001; BC Country Music Association On Air Personality of the Year award 1996/ 97/ 98; producer/ host US syndicated program Parent Talk and Psychic Files talk show CFUN Vancouver 2001-05; CKCL-FM Vancouver/ CKQC-FM Abbotsford 2005-09

Moe Sihota - Click to enlarge Moe Sihota - Civil litigation lawyer Sihota & Starkey 1984-86; NDP MLA Esquimalt-Metchosin 1986-2001; served as Minister of Education Skills and Training, Minister of Environment Lands and Parks, Labour Minister, Minister Responsible for BC Hydro, Minister Responsible for Insurance Corporation of BC, Minister Responsible for Constitutional Affairs and Government House Leader 1986-2001; President Government Relations Counsulting/ Real Estate/ hotel and golf course development.2001-current; news anchor/ talk show host CIVI-TV Victoria 2001-04; contributor Rafe Mair Show CKBD Vancouver 2004-05; political panelist Canada Now CBC Television Vancouver 2004 and CBC Radio One Vancouver Monday morning political panel 2005-17.  LinkedIn profile   

George Sillery - Click to enlarge George Sillery (Morrison George Herbert Sillery) - Radio training at Lorne Green’s Academy of Radio Arts Toronto; started as announcer/ DJ in Calgary; Port Arthur/ Fort William (now Thunder Bay) ON; news CKVN Vancouver 1969-70; host Candlelight and Wine late 1971 and news CHQM Vancouver 1971-72; News Director CJOR Vancouver 1972; CKDA Victoria. Died in Victoria February 13, 1984 at age 54

Michelle Simick - Click to enlarge Michelle Simick - General assignment reporter Ottawa Citizen 1998; crime policing/ court coverage/ intern Toronto Star 1999; general assignment reporter Vancouver Sun 1999-2000; news writer A-Channel Calgary 2000; reporter Plugged In! Shaw Cable 4 Vancouver 2000-02; reporter Citytv Vancouver 2002; news reporter CTV British Columbia 2002-07; senior news writer/ story producer/ show producer CBC Vancouver 2007-current.  LinkedIn profile

Denis Simpson - Click for larger photo Denis Simpson - Actor/ singer/ dancer/ choreographer/ director/ songwriter; Polkaroo on syndicated childrens' TV show Polka Dot Door 1970s; Dora Mavor Moore Award for signature role in Ain't Misbehavin 1983; has appeared as actor in X-Files, Night Visions and MacGyver; Jessie award for one-man show Denis Anyone? 1996; appearances including Live Eye Guy on Breakfast Television Citytv Vancouver; host cooking show Café M Channel M Vancouver; theatrical actor including Arts Club Theatre Vancouver Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story 2010.  Died in Toronto October 22, 2010 at age 59.

Russ Simpson 1960s - Click for 1965 and early 2000s photos Russ Simpson - CHOV Pembroke ON 1958-59; CJLX Fort William/ Port Arthur (Thunder Bay) 1959-60; CKPT Peterborough ON 1960; 6-9 p.m. CKEY Toronto 1960-64; p.m. drive/ music director CKLG Vancouver 1964-67, MC CHAN-TV (BCTV) Windfall, the largest giveaway quiz show in Canada; a.m. drive/ program director CJOE London ON 1967-68; p.m. drive/ MD WOHO Toledo OH 1968-71; 9 a.m.-noon CKLG 1971-72; AMD KRIZ Phoenix AZ 1972-74; sales CKLG 1974-79; sales CJOR Vancouver 1979-80; Vancouver Advertising Agency O&O 1983.  Died in Nanaimo January 29, 2004 at age 64

Steve Simpson - Click to enlarge Steve Simpson - On-air and management CJOE/ CJBK London ON 1967-70; production manager/ announcer CJJC Langley 1970-72; creative director/ head writer Creative House Communications 1972-76; president Simpson & Simpson Advertising 1976-80; creative director Cockfield Brown Advertising 1978-81; VP Vancouver Centre Progressive Conservative Riding Association 1979-87; VP/ creative director FCB/ Ronalds Reynolds 1980-88; director of communications BC Social Credit Party 1986 Provincial Election Committee 1986-87; president Identity Management Inc. Vancouver 1988-2008; founding member Canadian Heritage Arts Society 1990-91; partner Rob Houlding Golf Schools 1995-2000; VP marketing & corporate development Angus Reid Research (Ipsos Reid) 1998-2000; chairman Totally Hip Technologies Inc. 2000-02; creative director Words, Pictures & Music Creative Workshop 2003-current; founder then board member Renaissance Power Corp. 2006-current; CRTC Commissioner for BC and Yukon 2008-current.  LinkedIn profile   

Margot Sinclair - Click to enlarge
Margot Sinclair - (Margot Sinclair Savell) Journalism California State University-Northridge CA; reporter/ editor The Canadian Press Vancouver 1979-89; reporter CKVU-TV Vancouver 1990; owner TrackNet Marketing & Communications 1990-97; host daily Internet Update segment CKNW Vancouver 1990s; editorial manager Internet Broadcasting (launched KOIN-TV Portland website) 1997-99; editorial manager AOL 1996-99; site manager Cox Interactive Media 1999-2002; editorial director Write Image 2003-05; VP measurement & analytics Weber Shandwick Seattle 2005-12; writer/ consultant Write for Wine 2007-current; board of advisors VinTank 2011-current; senior VP global measurement Hill+Knowlton Strategies 2012-current; senior VP Global Measurement Research+Data Insights Seattle 2012-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Kiran Singh
Kiran Singh - Associate's degree Mass Communication/ Media Studies Columbia College 2013; Sales Rep Danier Leather Vancouver 2014-15;
founder Deep Waters Productions Vancouver 2015-current; associate producer/ reporter CBC Vancouver 2020-23; Communications Officer Surrey Langley Skytrain Project at Transportation Investment Corporation 2024-current.  LinkedIn profile

Mindy Singh - Click to enlarge
Mindy Singh - Journalism Langara College & Broadcasting Performing Arts Columbia Academy Vancouver; intern Citytv Vancouver 2004; intern CTV British Columbia 2005; news/ traffic/ host of Saturday Swing CJRJ Vancouver 2007-current

Raaki Sinha - Click to enlarge Raakhi Sinha - Classic dancer; Director/ Co-Founder (with Gurpreet Gopi Sian) South Asian Arts; morning co-host CJRJ Vancouver 2006-08 and evening co-host CJRJ  2008-current

Donna Sitter - Afternoon news anchor, then Victoria legislative reporter CKO-FM-4 Vancouver early 1980s

Pat Slattery - Click to enlarge Pat Slattery (Patrick James Thomas Slattery) - Copy runner Vancouver Sun 1930-42; Canadian Army Irish Fusiliers Vancouver Regiment 1942-46; PR Department then sports editor, including weekly golf column Opening The Face, fashion columnist then make-up editor Vancouver Sun 1946-77; The Press Box Show CKNW New Westminster 1951; North Vancouver District alderman (involved in establishing Karen Magnussen, Ron Andrews and William Griffin recreation centres) 1966-75.  Died in North Vancouver November 12, 1988 at age 76

Glen Slingerland - Click to enlarge Glen Slingerland - CFBV Smithers BC 1976-77; CKIQ Kelowna 1977-84; p.m. drive/ APD then MD CFCN Calgary 1984-94; PD/ mornings CKMA Abbotsford 1994-97; as Jake Ryder CFSR-FM Vancouver/ Abbotsford p.m. drive 1997-98 & mornings 1998-99; freelance/ self-employed 1999-2002; facilitator/ job developer Chilliwack Employment Services 2002-08; PD/ MD/ mornings CHWK-FM Chilliwack 2008-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Tamara Slobogean - Click to enlarge Tamara Slobogean - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 2003; writer/ reporter CKWX Vancouver 2003-11; consultant Social Media Consultancy 2012-15;
Supervising Producer Breakfast Television Citytv Vancouver 2018-20; Managing Editor News & Integration CKWX/ CityNews 2020-current.  LinkedIn profile

Eugene (Bud) Smalley - Served in RCAF; salesman Vancouver Sun 1946; continuity department/ writer/ host The Bud Smalley Show and author/ narrator The Smallest Show in The World CKMO Vancouver circa 1947-48; writer/ producer KOL Breakfast Club KOL Seattle 1949-51; script department then manager of radio mimeograph department CBS Radio Hollywood 1950s; writer three-a-week comedy show CBC television 1958; KCBQ San Diego 1958; wrote words and music to Christmas Day copyrighted January 17, 1961; writer jingles and commercials and later VP Pepper Sound Studios/ Pepper-Tanner Memphis TN 1962-68.  Died in Memphis June 15, 1968 at age 46

Stephen Smart - Click to enlarge Stephen Smart - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate; producer then news reporter CKNW Vancouver 2001-08; news reporter CTV British Columbia 2007-10; Legislative Bureau Chief CBC Vancouver 2010-14; Senior Director Citizen Relations Vancouver 2014-16; Press Secretary Office of the Premier 2016-17; Communications Director Todd Stone BC Liberal Party Leadership Campaign 2017-18; Vice President Citizen Relations Vancouver 2018-19; General Manager Western Canada Hill+Knowlton Strategies Vancouver 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile

Bob Smith - Click to enlarge with 1980s photo Bob Smith (Robert Norman Smith) - Host Definition of Swing using theme of same name by Will Hudson-Eddie De Lange Orchestra CJOR Vancouver late 1930s-early 1940s; hosted North America's longest running jazz show Hot Air on CBC Radio Vancouver for over 30 years starting October 1, 1947; jazz columnist Vancouver Sun; weekly jazz show CJAZ-FM Vancouver mid 1980s; member B.C. Entertainment Hall of Fame Starwalk at the Orpheum.  Died in Vancouver May 16, 1989 at age 69

J. Lee Smith circa 1970 J. Lee Smith - CHNS Halifax; operator CKLW Windsor 1970; CKGM Montreal 1970; CKVN/ CFUN Vancouver 1970s; president/ CEO Radiolink System Ltd./ CFNR-FM Winnipeg 2002-05

Marilyn Smith 1981 - Click to enlarge Marilyn Smith - Co-host with Terry David Mulligan Zig Zag BCTV Vancouver 1981-83

Oscar Smith - Studio announcer/ technician CJOR Vancouver 1940-41; CBR Vancouver 1941

R.J. Smith - Click to enlarge R.J. Smith - Graduate Columbia Academy of Radio/ Television Calgary 1982; as Russell Sly: CHFM-FM Calgary 1982; CJTT New Liskeard ON 1983; CKSO Sudbury ON 1984-85; CKEC New Glasgow NS 1985; CKDU Halifax 1985; CKCQ Quesnel BC 1985-86; BCIT Broadcast Program 1986-87; CITR-FM Vancouver 1986-88; freelance news/ sports CKNW and CBC Vancouver 1986-88; Record-Gazette Newspaper Peace River AB 1988-89; Director of Crimestoppers Quesnel BC 1989; Camosun College Criminal Justice Program Victoria  1989-90; as RJ Smith: news director CFUV-FM Victoria 1990-91; CICF-FM Vernon 1999; CJIB-FM Vernon 2001; CKOV/ CKLZ-FM Kelowna 2002; founder Kel-West Society of Martial Arts West Kelowna 1995-current; assistant coach Canadian National Taekwon-Do Team, Sardinia Italy 2006 & Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 2009; President/ Founder Westbank and District Community Radio Society, West Kelowna 2009-current.  LinkedIn profile

Robert O. Smith - Click for colour photo Robert O. Smith - KAHI Auburn CA; KHOE Tahoe NV; KOWL South Lake Tahoe NV; KLAV Las Vegas NV; KMBY Monterey CA 1966; KJR Seattle 1967; KSND Seattle; KOL Seattle 1968-71; KTAC Tacoma 1972; KVI Seattle 1977; KIXI-FM Seattle; CFMI-FM Vancouver early 1980s; CISL Vancouver; CKMA Abbotsford; voiceovers; animation; world record power lifter.  1994 CKMA aircheck courtesy RadioWest.  Died in Vancouver May 30, 2010 at age 67

Suzanne Smith - Click to enlarge Suzanne Smith - As Suzanne Sutton at age 15 co-host youth talk show Generation Why? Rogers Cable Vancouver; graduate Marketing Management program BCIT 2000; entertainment news reporter Plugged In and Urban Rush Shaw TV Vancouver 2000; co-producer Generation Why?; host Word on the Street NOWTV/ OMNI.10 Vancouver; Director of Promotions and Creative Services OMNI.10 to 2007; communications specialist Salvation Army, B.C. division 2008-current

Michael Smyth - Click to enlarge Michael Smyth - Bachelor of Applied Arts graduate journalism program Ryerson University Toronto; reporter Brantford (ON) Expositor; city beat reporter then Woodstock bureau chief London (ON) Free Press; Ontario desk reporter Canadian Press Toronto 1988-92; Victoria legislature correspondent Canadian Press 1992-96; political columnist Vancouver Province 1996-current; occasional talk show host CKNW Vancouver; host This Week In BC Shaw Cable Vancouver; political contributor The Angle BCTV Vancouver; talk show host CKNW 2020-current

Drew Snider - Click to enlarge Drew Snider - Freelance writer/ voiceover talent Vancouver 1977-current; news/ sports/ talk-show host CKPG Prince George 1980-82; CFUN Vancouver 1982-83; CKDA Victoria 1983-85; Assistant News Director CJME Regina 1985-88; ND CISL Vancouver 1988; morning sidekick CFAX Victoria 1988-2001; The Green File CHEK TV Victoria 1990; fill-in entertainment reviewer CHEK TV 1991-93; author My Shattered Nerves! - Biography of Ken Dobson 1995; host Destinations CFAX 1997-2000 and US syndication 2002-03; assignment editor TheNewVI Victoria 2001-03; producer NOWTV Vancouver 2003-04; newscaster CKNW Vancouver 2005-06; Environmental Journalism award from The Skies Above Foundation 2001; wrote series of features on the first half-century of TV in British Columbia for Victoria Times-Colonist 2004; PA announcer UBC Thunderbirds 2004-current; media relations TransLink Vancouver 2006-13; associate pastor The Lord's Rain Vancouver 2007-current; Elder Westpointe Christian Church Vancouver 2012-current; traffic/ fill-in news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2013; communications consultant Drew Snider Communications Vancouver 2013-current; communications and web advisor Amelia Shaw Consulting Vancouver 2013-current; associate Jim Stanton & Associates 2014-current; PA announcer Vancouver matches FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada 2015; Communications Consultant BC Transit Vancouver 2016-current.  Convenient Truth Blog  LinkedIn profile

Fred Snyder - Click to enlarge Fred Snyder - Chartered and registered financial planner; started career in financial planning with Investors Group 1964; host Mutual Funds 101 CFUN Vancouver early 2000s; Branch Manager Dundee Private Investors Inc. current; President WISE Inc., Financial Education Corporation current; co-host with David Ingram It's Your Money weekends CKBD Vancouver 2004-08 then CKNW Vancouver 2008 then CKBD

Karen So - Click for larger photo Karen So - B.A. in communications Simon Fraser University; news and current affairs anchor/ reporter Fairchild Television and CHMB Radio Vancouver 1997; three time Jack Webster Award winner for Best Reporting in Chinese; Cantonese news anchor Channel M/ OMNI Vancouver current       

Brett Soderholm - Click to enlarge
Brett Soderholm - Bachelor of Science Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology McGill University Montreal 2011; Master of Science Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology McGill University 2013; Meteorologist The Weather Network Oakville, ON 2014-19; Weather Host Meteorologist & Science Specialist CBC Vancouver 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile

Raji Sohal - Click to enlarge
Raji Sohal - MA Communication Studies McGill University Montreal; freelance writer Globe and Mail/ Vancouver Sun etc. 2008-11; columnist/ online producer PBS' Art21 blog 2009-11; host/ producer/ reporter/ columnist then Arts & Culture TV News Reporter CBC Montreal 2007-21; talk show host/ on-air contributor CKNW Vancouver 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Benjamin the Butler - Click to enlarge Benjamin "The Butler" Soldinger - Columbia Academy Vancouver 2006-07; assistant morning show producer/ stuntman Benjamin The Butler The Kid Carson Show CFBT-FM Vancouver 2006-09; promotion director CHBE-FM Victoria 2010-current

Linden Soles CNN 1997 - Click for larger photo Linden Soles - CKRC and CKJS Winnipeg; CBC Winnipeg 1984; anchor First News CKVU-TV Vancouver 1985-89; winner Peabody Award 1988; news anchor BCTV Vancouver 1991-93; appeared as TV anchor in three TV movies 1991-92 and feature films Up Close & Personal 1996 and Contact 1997; anchor Prime News and The World Today CNN Atlanta 1993-97; independent film producer 1999-2003; news reporter/ fill-in anchor and host Money Talks KCPQ-TV Tacoma 2003-04  

Perry Solkowski - Click to enlarge Perry Solkowski - Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Edmonton graduate 1988; Yorkton SK 1988-90; sports anchor ITV Edmonton 1990-97; sports anchor then Sports Director CTV British Columbia 1997-2015; part-time Instructor BCIT School of Business 2006-current; MLS Vancouver Whitecaps FC reporter TSN 2012-current; broadcaster/ producer TSN Major League Soccer/ Vancouver Whitecaps FC 2016-current; RTNDA Edward R. Murrow Regional Award winner 2008 & 09; President Perry Solkowski Media Inc. 2016-current; sports talk host CISL Vancouver 2017-21.  LinkedIn profile 

Cecil Solly - Click to enlarge Cecil Solly - Author Growing Summer Flowering Bulbs 1945, How to Grow Dahlias 19; 48 and other publications from the garden notebook series 1940s; host gardening program 8:15 p.m. weeknights (live and taped) CKWX Vancouver late 40s-early 50s; similar program ran weeknights on KIRO radio Seattle

Neil Soper 1960s - Click for recent photo Neil Soper - CKLG Vancouver 1963; all night CJOR Vancouver 1964; afternoon show/ Music Director CHUB Nanaimo 1964-67; afternoon show/ MD CFUN Vancouver 1967; CJOR Program Director/ weekend show 1968-75 and Assistant GM then General Manager 1975-80; Palmer Jarvis Advertising 1980-81; Executive VP/ Co-owner Canada Wide Media 1982-2009; retired.  Mike Cleaver interview  

Eli Sopow - Click for alternate photo Eli Sopow - Reporter BCTV Vancouver 1970s; Victoria correspondent Vancouver Province 1980s; Ph.D. in Organizational Development; reputation research Reputations Corporation Vancouver; two National Awards of Excellence for Strategic Communications, Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2001-current.  LinkedIn profile  Eli Sopow Website

Craig Sorochan - Click to enlarge Craig Sorochan - Communications masters degree Royal Roads University Victoria 2012; Broadcast Educators Association of Canada (BEAC) national award for Hallowe'en Safety PSA 2005/ 06; operator then producer and on-air Bill Good Show CKNW Vancouver 2008-10; host Global Village on Radio Port Douglas, Northern Queensland Australia 2011; producer/ reporter WestShore Unlimited TV, Shaw Cable Victoria 2012; community relations and events coordinator WestShore Chamber of Commerce, Victoria 2013-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Andrew Sosa - Click to enlarge
Andrew Sosa - BCIT Broadcast program graduate 2010; as Andrew the Intern fill-in then mornings CFBT-FM Vancouver 2010-12; morning team CFUN-FM/ CKKS-FM Vancouver 2012-16 

Ted Soskin - Click to enlarge Ted Soskin (Theodore Samuel Soskin) - Announcer CKMO Vancouver 1941-42; announcer/ writer/ salesman CKOV Kelowna 1942-44; in charge of aII miIitary radio broadcasting in the Maritimes, Canadian Army 1944-45; CKOV 1945-46; assistant manager/ news writer/ announcer CJIB Vernon 1946-50; Hollywood personality interviewer Los Angeles for CKXL Calgary syndicated to 36 Canadian stations 1950-51; on-air CKXL 1951-62 and commercial manager 1962-64; founder/ president/ managing director CHQR Calgary 1964-70.  Died in Vancouver October 13, 1985 at age 59.  My Grandfather's Voice video

Adrienne South - Click to enlarge
Adrienne South - Community Centre attendant City of Kitchener 2007-12; news anchor CKGL Kitchener 2009; Public Relations Vice-chair K-W Oktoberfest Kitchener ON 2010-12; in-arena host/ promotional game-day crew Toronto Marlies 2011-12; webcast host SportsCanada.TV Ontario 2011-14, Director of Media Relations/ Promotions Coordinator Safebrain Systems Inc. Mississauga/ Calgary 2012-13; producer/ videographer/ social & digital media producer  Legislative Assembly of Alberta Edmonton 2013-14; in-game host/ producer/ videographer/ promotions Edmonton Prospects Baseball Club 2013-16; MLA Grant Liaison Ministry of Culture and Tourism Government of Alberta Edmonton 2014-15; airborne traffic reporter Canadian Traffic Network/ CHED Edmonton 2015-16; video journalist Global News New Brunswick 2016-18; weekend news anchor/ weather specialist/ producer/ reporter CTV News London ON 2018-19; Press Secretary Government of Alberta Edmonton 2019-22; multimedia journalist CTV Edmonton Multimedia Journalist - CTV Edmonton 2022-23; video journalist Rogers Sports & Media Edmonton 2023-24; journalist CityNews Vancouver 2024-current.  LinkedIn profile

Anne Souther - KCTS-TV Seattle circa 1980-81; CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1982

Jay Sparks - Operator/ weekend announcer CKNW New Westminster 1960s

Tom Spear (CBC Calgary photo) - Click to enlarge
Tom Spear - CJCI Prince George 1973-75; CKPG/ CKPG-TV Prince George 1975-77; CHWK Chilliwack 1977-78; news director, then program manager CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1978-80; CBC-TV Fredericton NB 1982-84; CBC radio/ TV Calgary 1984-90; CBC National Radio Sports Calgary/ Toronto 1988; short term assignment CBC Radio North Inuvik NT 1994; CBC radio/ TV Calgary 1992-2011; retired from CBC 2011

Duncan Speight - Click to enlarge Duncan Speight - BCIT Broadcast program graduate 1971; news/ sales/ copy writing CFBV Smithers/ CFLD Burns Lake 1971-74; news CJVI Victoria 1976-80; news CJOR Vancouver 1980; News Director CJIB Vernon 1980-81; News Director CHBC-TV Kelowna 1981-82; News Assignment Editor CKVU-TV Vancouver 1982-83; journalism instructor BCIT 1983-84; news desk CBC-TV Vancouver 1984-99; CBC online journalist 1999-2007; three-time recipient national RTNDA Web Site Awards 2002/ 2004/ 2006; retired to Tofino 2007

Alf Spence CKMO 1941 - Click for recent CBC photo Alf Spence - At age 16 morning disc jockey/ transmitter operator 100-watt CKMO Vancouver 1941-42; operator CKWX Vancouver 1942-46; technical staff CBC Radio Toronto 1949-53 and CBC Radio Vancouver 1953-83; retired 1983.  Died in Burnaby June 23, 2014 at age 89.  CBC video 

Bob Spence 1999 - Click to enlarge Bob Spence - University of Exeter UK and London School of Economics; writer Sunday Times London UK; Cross Country Checkup and As It Happens CBC Radio Vancouver; partner Kicking Horse Productions film company Vancouver; host CBC morning show Come Alive Edmonton and Early Edition CBC Vancouver 1977-88; host/ interviewer Vancouver Show CKVU-TV Vancouver 1981-83; talk show host CJOR Vancouver 1983-86; facilitator Centre for Executive and Management Development Vancouver late 1990s.  Died in Vancouver September 25, 2001 at age 53 

Terry Spence early CFAX - Click for recent photo Terry Spence - News/ talk show host including The Investigators CKNW New Westminster 1966-74; News Director then talk show host then Executive Vice President CFAX 1974-2008 and CHBE-FM Victoria 2000-08; General Manager CFAX/ CHBE-FM 2002-08; retired 2009

Zack Spencer - Click to enlarge Zack Spencer - Graduate Fanshaw College London ON 1987; CKSL London circa 1988-91; CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1991-96 including Eye on the Street 1995; entertainment segment host BCTV Vancouver 1995 and  weather anchor 1996-2006; Galaxi Award co-winner Best On-Camera Performance Street Test Delta Cable Television 2002; weekends CKKS-FM Vancouver 2003; midday host CKVX-FM/ CKCL-FM Vancouver 2003-05; co-host Driving Television Global TV national 2004-20; columnist Driving with Zack and Mac The Province Vancouver circa 2007; part of Motoring TV on TSN team 2020-current

Rolly Spicer - Click to enlarge Rolly Spicer - CKOV Kelowna; p.m. drive CJVB Vancouver 1970s-80s; Lower Mainland transit driver

Jordana Springgay - Click to enlarge
Jordana Springgay - Broadcast Journalism Diploma Loyalist College Belleville ON 2010; freelancer; assignment editor Citytv Toronto 2010-12; host/ producer Barrie ON 2010-12; associate assignment editor CTV Toronto 2012-13; writer/ producer/ assignment editor/ reporter CTV Vancouver 2013-18; News Producer CITY-TV Toronto 2018-19; Producer Global News Toronto 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile

Paula Spurr - Click for recent photo Paula Spurr - Singer/ songwriter 1987-current, including independent CD Little Thorns released 1998; co-host Pilot 1 CBC-TV Vancouver 1988; evenings CKST Langley/ Vancouver 1990-93; performer various music festivals Western Canada; actor including 21 Jump Street, National Film Board Baby Blues 1989, Cafe Romeo 1992 and The Proposal 2001; upright bass player/ songwriter/ singer Blue Grass Orphans 2005-10; cashier Buy-Low White Rock 2011-current.  LinkedIn profile

Terri Stacey (Smolar) - Click to enlarge Terri Stacey (married name Smolar) - TV reporter/ editor Radio Canada International, CBC Montreal 1971-74; radio news reporter/ documentary producer CBC Vancouver 1974-78; winner of Best News Broadcaster in B.C. award, Association of Canadian Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) 1977; winner Radio and Television News Director Award (RTNDA) 1977; journalism teacher British Columbia Institute of Technology 1977-82; PR field: communications manager BC Lottery Corporation 1985-88; Insurance Corporation of British Columbia 1988-93; Open Learning Agency 1994-2000; BCIT 2001-03; coordinator and faculty member Public Relations Diploma Program, Kwantlen Polytechnic University beginning in 2003; posthumously awarded Canadian Public Relations Society Diamond Jubilee Award 2016.  Died in Burnaby March 29, 2016 at age 67.  1977 ACTRA Award News  ACTRA Award Photos  CPRS Diamond Jubilee Award  CPRS Award Letter 

Rick Staehling - Click to enlarge
Rick Staehling (Richard Robert Staehling) - Graphic designer CBC Vancouver 1971; Afternoon Show film critic CBC Vancouver 1976-2010; founding member Vancouver Film Critic's Circle; taught communications at UBC, Emily Carr and Capilano University; Art Director Vancouver Magazine and Western Living and Editor at Travel Etc. Magazine; Lowell Thomas Travel Writing Award, Western Magazine Foundation's Lifetime Achievement Award and the VFCC Ian Caddell Achievement Award. Died in North Vancouver October 25, 2019 at age 73

Frank Stanford Frank Stanford - CHQB Powell River; CKRD Red Deer AB; CFSL Weyburn SK; news CJOR Vancouver 1977-79; real estate 1979-80; news CFAX Victoria 1980-current

Tamara Stanners - Click to enlarge Tamara Stanners - Columbia Academy Vancouver 1985; as Dusty Rhodes on air and music director CISN-FM Edmonton 1984-89; as Dusty Richards CKRA-FM Edmonton 1989-90; as Tamara CKLG Vancouver 1990; as Tamara Stanners: 6 p.m. U News anchor CKVU-TV Vancouver 1990-94; morning show host CJJR-FM Vancouver 1994-99; breakfast show host CIVT-TV Vancouver 2000; host Healthy Home HGTV 2001-04; co-host Breakfast Television Citytv Vancouver 2004; host Reach For the Top BC Championships Knowledge Network Vancouver 2004-07; weather fill-in CTV British Columbia 2006-08; CKPK-FM Vancouver assistant PD 2008-12 & PD 2012-16; Executive Director Peak Performance Project Vancouver 2008-15; Station Imaging Voice 2015-current; Voiceover Artist Pacific Content Vancouver 2016-current; Music Director Variety Show of Hearts Vancouver 2016-current; Voiceover Artist Metro Vancouver (formerly GVRD) 2017-current; Consultant Skookum Festival of Music, Art and Food Vancouver 2017-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Charlie B 1970s - Click to enlarge Charles Stansfield - Aka Charlie B; CJVB Vancouver 1972; fill-in CKLG Vancouver; part time CKCQ Quesnel; operator/ announcer CJOR Vancouver; part time CKWL Williams Lake; news/ copywriter/ producer CJJC/ CJUP Langley

Kylie Stanton - Click to enlarge
Kylie Stanton - CKPG Prince George 2008-09; CFJC Kamloops 2009-10; reporter CHEK-TV Victoria 2010-12; Vancouver Island Video Journalist Global BC Vancouver 2012-current

Ronnie Stanton - Click to enlarge Ronnie Stanton - Program Director/ morning show host 4ZR Roma, Australia 1996-98; assistant PD 2WZD Wagga Wagga NSW Australia then PD/ relaunched 2WZD as Star FM 1998-2000; morning co-host/ APD 4RAM Townsville, North Queensland, Australia and manager 11 station network 2000; music director/ launched Nova 100 3MEL Melbourne Australia 2000-02; programmed 3CAT and 3BAY Geelong, Victoria, Australia 2002-03; mornings/ Group PD 4MCY Sunshine Coast, Australia 2003-08; ACRA award for best on-air team 2005; The Music Network magazine PD of the Year 2006; PD including flip from Crave to Virgin CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2008-13; Senior Brand Director CFMI-FM/ CFOX-FM Vancouver 2013-16; Vice President, National Brands and Programming Corus Entertainment 2014-16 and lead consultant 2016-current; Program Director CFMI-FM/ CFOX-FM 2019; Regional Content Director Grant Broadcasters Sunshine Coast Australia 2018-20; Vice President Audio Corus Entertainment Vancouver 2020-23; Chief Content Officer Virgin Radio International 2024; National Programmer - Classic Hits Rogers Sports & Media/ Content Director for the company’s Vancouver FM stations 2024-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Jack Stark - Click to enlarge Jack Stark - B.C. broadcasting pioneer; creater/ producer/ host High Schools on Parade CJOR Vancouver 1935; mill and steel products executive; founder Q Broadcasting Ltd. (CHQM Vancouver) 1958 and CHQM-FM/ Q Music 1962; directed purchase of CKPG/ CKPG-TV Prince George 1969; elected Director Silk-FM Broadcasting Kelowna 1985; Vice-Chairman Fairchild Radio Vancouver 1992; B.C. Association of Broadcasters Broadcaster of the Year 1998; posthumously inducted into CAB Broadcast Hall of Fame 2003.   Died in Vancouver October 30, 2001 at age 83.  CCF biography

Brenda Starr - News CKLG Vancouver 1990

Peter Starr CKLG circa 1967 - Click for recent photo Peter Starr - Export sales assistant/ motorcycle racer Triumph Engineering, Coventry, England 1960-64; export sales engineer Automotive Products 1964-65; DJ Radio London, WPDQ Jacksonville FL, KONO San Antonio TX, KTSA San Antonio 1965-66; CBC Vancouver 1966; Boss Jock CKLG Vancouver 1966-68; CFUN Vancouver 1968-70; record producer 1970-73; writer/ producer/ director Peter Starr Entertainment Ltd. and International Roadshows Inc. Los Angeles 1973 with 14 major international awards for film making; movie motorcycle stunt performer 1991-99; inducted into American Motorcyclist Association Hall of Fame 2017; died in Colorado July 3, 2023 at age 80

Jonny Staub - Click to enlarge Jonny Staub - Traffic reporter/ swing CHYM-FM Kitchener ON 1998-99; evenings CJIB Vernon 1999-2000; early evenings CKIK-FM Calgary 2000-01; early evenings CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2001-02; middays CKNG-FM Edmonton 2002-05; morning drive CHBN-FM Edmonton 2005-07; CFBT-FM Vancouver middays 2007-12 and morning co-host 2012-22; student mentor Firemedix 2021-current; part time on call firefighter Squamish Fire Rescue 2023; firefighter City of Surrey 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Lisa Steacy - Click to enlarge
Lisa Steacy - Journalism Certificate Langara College Vancouver 2018; Client Services & Accounts Receivable Administrator ListenUP! Toronto 2006-10; Practice Administrator Open Door Midwifery Vancouver 2011; Crisis Counselor Vancouver Rape Relief 2012-17; reporter/ editor Langara Voice Vancouver 2018; web editor/ reporter CKWX Vancouver 2019-22; Digital Editor CTV Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn Profile  Lisa Steacy Website 

Lynda Steele - Click to enlarge Lynda Steele - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; reporter CBC Edmonton; news reporter CKVU-TV Vancouver 1983-85; news anchor/reporter ITV News Edmonton 1985-89; news anchor/ reporter CBC Edmonton 1989-95; news anchor Global News Edmonton 1995-2011; twice voted most popular television anchor in Edmonton and named by Alberta Motion Picture and Television Association as best female news anchor 2003; consumer reporter/ host Steele on Your Side CTV British Columbia 2011-15; p.m. drive talk show host CKNW Vancouver 2015-21; talk show host CHEK-TV Victoria 2022-current; founder Killeen & Steele Communications with Mike Killeen 2023; RTDNA Canada Lifetime Achievement Award (Western Canada) 2019.  LinkedIn profile  

Lloyd Steele (William Lloyd McQuiggin) - Graduate Ryerson Polytechnic University Toronto; radio reporter Owen Sound ON; TV news anchor Peterborough ON; 9 years CJOH Ottawa; news reporter/ Program Director CBC Windsor; news CHQM Vancouver 1975-82.  Died November 20, 1982 at age 48 outside Vancouver City Hall during civic election coverage

Tom Steele - Evening DJ/ late night TV news CJDC Dawson Creek 1970-71; CKXL Calgary 1971-72; evenings and all nights CFRN Edmonton 1972-73; evenings/ swing CJCA Edmonton 1973-76 and news 1976-78; owned and operated Columbia School of Broadcasting while at CJCA 1975-79; staff announcer/ production ITV (Global) Edmonton 1975-77; part time DJ CJCA 1979-84; mornings CJJC Langley 1985-86; CJAX-FM/ CKNG-FM Edmonton 1986; part time announcer CISN and CHQT Edmonton 1991-2002

Carrie Stefanson - Click to enlarge
Carrie Stefanson - BCIT Broadcast program graduate 1986; reporter/ anchor/ assistant assignment editor CKWX Vancouver 1986-92; instructor Radio Arts and Entertainment/ investigative reporting BCIT Burnaby 1991-2016; reporter/ anchor/ researcher CKNW Vancouver 1992-2002; assignment editor Citytv Vancouver 2002-06; Producer Research and Archives CTV British Columbia 2006-15; Public Relations Officer Vancouver Coastal Health 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Leslie Stein - Click to enlarge
Leslie Stein - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate; afternoon drive co-host CFGP-FM Grande Prairie AB 2008-09; news reporter CHED Edmonton 2009-11; morning show co-host Corus Entertainment Edmonton 2009-11; morning show co-host CHUP-FM Calgary 2011-15; morning show host CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2015-20; Technical Talent Sourcer Ekanite Consulting 2020-22; morning show host CISF-FM Surrey 2020-24; morning host CKOV-FM Kelowna 2024-current.  LinkedIn profile

Gordon Stenner - Click to enlarge
Gordon Stenner - Pastor Blaine WA 1960s; writer newsletter Teen Pulse published in US and Canada circa 1968; Financial Planning Consultant The Stenner Group Abbotsford; financial contributor CKNW Vancouver; author Stenner on Mutual Funds 1997; talk show host CKNW and CFUN Vancouver late 1990s.  Died in Abbotsford February 5, 2016 at age 79

Vanessa Stenner - Click to enlarge Vanessa Stenner - Vice President/ investment advisor The Vanessa Stenner Group of RBC Dominion Securities, White Rock BC; host Your Money, Your Wealth CFUN Vancouver to 2009 and CKNW Vancouver 2009-10.  Died in White Rock BC January 12, 2010 at age 39                                       

Andy Stephen CKDA circa 1953 - Click for alternate photo Andy Stephen - Trained at Lorne Greene's School of Broadcasting circa 1948; CFRA Ottawa early 1950s; news CKDA Victoria 1953; news anchor/ reporter/ news director CHEK-TV Victoria 1956-83 including host of political news show Capital Comment for 20 years; legislative reporter CHAN-TV Vancouver; awarded life membership by Legislative Press Gallery 1979.  Died November 22, 2011 in Saanichton at age 84

Bill Stephenson CKDA circa 1950 - Click for 1990s and recent photo courtesy Red Bill Stephenson - CJAV Port Alberni 1948; CJOR Vancouver circa 1949; sports/ Hockey Tonight play-by-play CKDA Victoria circa 1950; sports/ sports director CKWX Vancouver early 1950s-60; sports director and Argonauts play-by-play CFRB Toronto 1960-1999; Sports Media Canada Achievement Award 2000; retired from radio; CAB Broadcast Hall of Fame inductee 2006; Vancouver Canadians Broadcast & Journalism Hall of Fame inductee 2012.  Died July 22, 2014 in Toronto at age 85 

Al Stern - Aka Al Richards; DJ CKLG Vancouver; CFUN Vancouver late 1980s and weekends circa 1993; comedy actor current.  1987 audio courtesy Radio West

Sue Stern - Reporter CKNW Vancouver; host Consumer, Prepare BCTV Vancouver mid 1970s; CBC Vancouver 1980s

Angela Sterritt - Click to enlarge
Angela Sterritt - Producer/ host CFRO-FM Vancouver 1997-2000; producer/ host CFUR-FM Prince George 2002-03; researcher/ writer Carrier Sekani Family Services Prince George 2003-04; producer/ associate producer CBC/ Radio-Canada 2005-06; Legal researcher/ writer Justice for Girls Vancouver 2006-07; researcher/ writer VSW 2008-09; journalist Journalists for Human Rights Montreal/ Yellowknife 2013; William Southam Journalism Fellow Massey College University of Toronto 2014-15; host/ producer CBC Manitoba/ Prince George/ Toronto 2003-current including reporter/ editor/ anchor/ host CBC Vancouver 2011-current.  Angela Sterritt website  LinkedIn profile 

Christina Stevens - Click to enlarge
Christina Stevens - BCIT Broadcast Journalism Program graduate 1996; weekend anchor CKVU-TV Vancouver 1990s-2004; investigative journalist/ anchor Global Television Toronto 2006-09; correspondent Global National Toronto 2009-18; weekend anchor/ online reporter CTV Vancouver Island 2018-current

Don Stevens - Click for larger photo Don Stevens - As Don Hamilton: CKSA Lloydminster AB 1962-63; CFSL Weyburn SK 1963-64; CKNL Fort St. John BC 1964; CKYL Peace River AB 1964-66; on air/ music director CHED Edmonton 1966-70; as Don Stevens: on air/ MD CKLG Vancouver 1970-83; on air/ Program Director CJAY-FM Calgary 1983-84; on air/ PD CFCN Calgary 1984-88; PD CKFM-FM Toronto 1988-89; PD CFTR Toronto 1989-93; morning host CHFM-FM Calgary 1993-2010; morning host/ PD CFXL-FM Calgary 2011-17; retired 2017; CHR Air Talent of the Year 1987; CHR PD of the Year 1986/ 91/ 92.  LinkedIn profile

Pam Stevens - Click to enlarge Pam Stevens - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; CJAT Trail BC; traffic reporter CKNW/ CFMI-FM Vancouver 1989-93; evenings and middays CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1995-2000; CKVX-FM Vancouver 2000-03; middays CKKS-FM/ CKLG-FM Vancouver 2003-09; fill-in Rogers Radio group Vancouver 2010; morning co-host CFUN-FM Vancouver 2010-11; p.m. drive CHHR-FM Vancouver 2012-14; swing CFOX-FM Vancouver 2014-15; South East Asia tour leader Adventures Abroad Richmond BC 2015-21 

Tara Jean Stevens - Click to enlarge
Tara Jean Stevens (nee Wilkin) - Graduate Columbia Academy Vancouver; announcer CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler 1999-2000; traffic/ Z Morning Crew CISL/ CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2000-05; traffic CKWX/ CKLG-FM/ CKCL-FM Vancouver 2005-07; morning show producer CKZZ-FM 2007-08; co-host Kiah & Tara Jean p.m. drive show CKZZ-FM 2009-12; two time BCAB Broadcast Performer Of The Year 2009 & 2011; co-host Jack's Morning Glory with Kiah & Tara Jean CKLG-FM/ CJAX-FM 2012-17; morning co-host Breakfast Television City Vancouver 2017-18; p.m. drive co-host CKKS-FM Vancouver 2019; morning show fill-in co-host CKKS-FM 2019-20; p.m. drive host CKKS-FM 2019-22; podcast host Rogers Sports & Media 2020-current; morning host CIWV-FM Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Bob Stewart - Talk show host CKVU-TV Vancouver.  Died late 1990's.

Evan Stewart - Click to enlarge Evan Stewart - Host BC Now Knowledge Network Vancouver; CBC Vancouver late 1990s; part-time Broadcast Journalism instructor British Columbia Institute of Technology -2003

Kat Stewart - Click for recent photo Kat Stewart - Events reporter CFNY-FM Brampton ON late 1970s; traffic reporter/ promotions assistant Morning Zoo CKLG Vancouver late 1980s; Promotions Director CJJR-FM Vancouver; program head Radio Program British Columbia Institute of Technology current; freelance voice-over artist/ on-camera presenter for radio/ TV/ video current

Nadia Stewart - Click to enlarge
Nadia Stewart - Journalism diploma/ BAA media studies University of Guelph Humber College Toronto 2006; intern CFMT-TV Toronto 2000-01; weekend producer/ anchor Rogers Cable 10 Peel Region ON 2005-09; editor/ freelance writer Planet Africa Magazine Toronto 2007-13; news writer The Weather Network 2008-09; talk show host Rogers Cable 10 Peel 2008-09; reporter/ host CBC Television St. John's NL 2010-12; weekend anchor/ reporter CBC Television Calgary 2012-14; reporter/ videojournalist CTV News Kitchener ON 2014; videojournalist/ reporter Global BC Vancouver 2014-21; Media and Communications Manager Union Gospel Mission Vancouver 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Robin Stickley - Click to enlarge
Robin Stickley - Graduate Cinema, Television, Stage and Radio (CTSR) Broadcast Journalism program Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Calgary 1998; student intern then full time RDTV Red Deer AB 1998; weekend anchor CISA-TV Lethbridge AB 1998-2000; Troubleshooter/ traffic reporter/ Morning Edition news anchor ITV/ Global Television Edmonton 2000-04; news anchor/ reporter Global TV Vancouver 2004-12; Washington DC correspondent Global National 2012-14; news anchor Global BC 2014-18; took career break 2018; podcast host JAR Audio 2022-23; freelance journalist 2022-current;  Associate Coast Communications and Public Affairs Vancouver 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile    

Ron Stiles - Click to enlarge Ron Stiles - CKLW Windsor 1970s; news CKNW New Westminster early 1980s; died in Bellingham WA July 29, 2006 at age 56

John Stirling - Click to enlarge John Stirling - DJ CKKC/ CFKC Nelson/ Creston 1968-71; sports director/ play-by-play BCJHL Chilliwack Bruins CHWK Chilliwack 1971-73; news CHQM Vancouver 1973-74; assistant sports director then news desk/ beat reporter CKWX Vancouver 1974-79; news desk/ beat reporter/ producer Sunday-in-Vancouver CFUN Vancouver 1979-81; morning news CHNL Kamloops 1981; owner public relations company Stirling Consultants 1981; desk/ beat reporter CKNW/ CFMI-FM Vancouver 1985-88; retired from radio 1988; professional truck driver; Big Rigs trucking columnist Vancouver Province 2012-18; retired and tending to his flock of classic cars current 

Shirley Stocker CKNW 1970s - Click for recent photo Shirley Stocker - Journalist/ performer/ executive producer talk shows CKNW Vancouver 1974-2000; Vancouver YWCA Women of Distinction Award for communications and public service 1984; served on board of Crime Stoppers and Vancouver Urban Safety Commission; BC Association of Broadcasters Broadcaster of the Year for lifetime of contributions to the industry 2000; Administrative Director CKNW Orphans Fund to 2011; executive media liaison and client relations The Bannerline Group current; project structure & management, executive media liaison and client relations current

Craig Stone - Click to enlarge
Craig Stone - BCIT Radio program graduate 2009; evenings/ weekends then p.m. drive CKLZ-FM Kelowna 2009-11; Music Director/ Morning Show host with APD duties CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler 2011-12; middays  CKPK-FM Vancouver 2012-13; weekends/ swing then evenings CFOX-FM Vancouver 2014-16; APD/ afternoon drive CJKR-FM Winnipeg 2016-17; Program Director CHTZ-FM St. Catherines ON 2017-18; PD CISF-FM Surrey 2019-20 and p.m. drive/ Assistant Program Director 2020-current. LinkedIn profile

Larry Stone - Click to enlarge Larry Stone - Graduate BCIT Broadcast Journalism program 1979; news/ swing/ beat reporter CJOR Vancouver 1978-79; host daily Seahawks network program/sports talk show host fill in/ news anchor KAYO Seattle 1979-80; afternoon news KMO Tacoma 1980; news/ weather/ traffic during Monday night football CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1982; producer/ announcer high school sports KQIN Burien/ KSCR Renton/ KXA Seattle 1982-89; as Seattle Larry Seattle sports team coverage on evening sports talk guest segments with Hadyn Thomas then Jamie Weiss CJVI Victoria 1996-2001; Seattle correspondent Sportsfan Radio Network 2001-02; locker room interviewer and producer Mariners post game shows with Mike Brown and New York Vinnie weekends KIRO Seattle 2001-02

Storman' Norman - Click for larger photo Stormin' Norman - (Norm Casler) Club DJ; host Sunday Blues CFOX-FM Vancouver 1991-2000; host Sunday Blues CFMI-FM Vancouver 2000-04

Doug Strachan - Click to enlarge Doug Strachan - BCIT Broadcast Journalism program graduate 1988; researcher/ writer/ reporter weekend News Hour BCTV Vancouver 1986-88; Coquitlam council/ school board stringer CKNW New Westminster 1987-88; reporter CKNW 1988-95; media relations manager BC Telephone Company then national director of external communications Telus 1995-2002; media consultant BC government 2002-03; manager of communications Surrey School District 2003-current

Bill Strafford  (William Allan Strafford) - Afternoons CJJC Langley circa 1977; fill-in CKNW New Westminster.  Died in Burnaby April 17, 1994 at age 41

Curtis Strange - Click for alternate photo Curtis Strange - Graduate Columbia Academy Vancouver; music director/ host Z Top 30 of the Week CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1998-2002; program director CKMM-FM Winnipeg 2002-05; music director/ assistant PD CKZZ-FM and midday host CISL Vancouver 2005-07; PD CHBE-FM Victoria 2007-08; PD CFBT-FM Vancouver 2008-13; director of FM programming Bell Media Vancouver 2013-20

Fred Straw Cariboo Observer photo 1964 - Click to enlarge
Fred Straw - As 14-16 year old CKPG Prince George; CAE (Canadian Army Europe) Werl, West Germany 1956-59; CKCQ Quesnel 1961-64; news/ news director CFUN Vancouver 1964-65; news CKWX Vancouver 1965-73; CKOK Penticton 1973-87; news director CIGV-FM Penticton 1987-99; retired from CIGV-FM 1999; currently living in Vancouver

John Streit - Click to enlarge John Streit - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 1998; CJIB Vernon; news editor/ anchor CKWX Vancouver 2000-17; adult hockey instructor City of Vancouver 2009-current; senior writer/ researcher Breakfast Television City Vancouver 2017-20; freelance columnist West End Journal Vancouver 2020-current; anchor/ reporter CKNW Vancouver 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Martin Strong - Click to enlarge
Martin Strong - BCIT Broadcast Program 1981; announcer/ writer CFOX-FM Vancouver 1987-96; as Marty Beaumont host/ writer Radio Shangri-La CBC Vancouver 1995-2000; morning show co-host CFMI-FM Vancouver 1998-2010; voice over actor/ copywriter/ producer Strong Creative 2001-current; instructor BCIT Media Arts part time studies program British Columbia Institute of Technology 2006-15; Senior Lead Instructor - Broadcasting for Web, Radio & T.V. Vancouver Institute of Media Arts (VanArts) 2015-current; Indie Audio host CIRH-FM Vancouver 2015-17 and morning host 2016-17; host Vancouver Consumer CKNW Vancouver 2020-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Annis Stukus - Click for larger photos Annis Stukus - Sports writer Toronto Star 1933-49; player Toronto Argonauts 1935-41; first coach and GM Edmonton Eskimos 1949-51; Toronto Star 1952-53; BC Lions organizer/ coach 1953-56; football colour commentator CFTO-TV Toronto 1961; GM Vancouver Canucks 1967; GM Winnipeg Jets 1971-72; sports announcer/ commentator and Goodwill Ambassador CFUN Vancouver; member of Canadian Sports Hall of Fame and Canadian Football (Sports Reporting) Hall of Fame; CAB Broadcast Hall of Fame 1992.  Died May 18, 2006 at age 91 in Canmore AB  CCF Biography

Peter Stursberg - Click for recent photo
Peter Stursberg - Agricultural editor Victoria Daily Times 1934; reporter Vancouver Daily Province 1939; news editor CBC Vancouver 1941; enlisted in Royal Canadian Navy and CBC London bureau war correspondent 1942-45; foreign correspondent London Daily Herald 1945-50; United Nations correspondent CBC 1950-56; Ottawa editorial correspondent Toronto Daily Star 1956-57; researcher/ speechwriter/ press officer for Prime Minister John Diefenbaker 1957-58; supported application for CJOH-TV Ottawa 1960; newscaster/ commentator CJOH-TV (one of initial co-anchors CTV National News) 1961-73; instructor Department of Canadian Studies Simon Fraser University 1980 and adjunct professor 1982-88; Member of the Order of Canada 1996; considered to be one of the best Canadian correspondents of the Second World War, reporting for CBC Radio from the front lines in Italy and France; posthumously inducted into CBC News Hall of Fame 2019.  Died in Vancouver area August 31, 2014 at age 101.  Wikipedia biography  CBC 100th birthday video 

Philip Su
Philip Su - Diploma, Film and Music Business Pacific Audio Visual Institute Vancouver 2005-06; sports TV program producer/ host Hunan TV China 1990s; immigrated to Vancouver 2001; news announcer/ editor CHKG-FM Vancouver 2001-04; Assistant GM EE Media China 2007-08; Deputy GM New Event Media Changsha, Hunan Province, China 2008-14; Co-Founder/ Executive Director KungFu Media Shenzhen, China 2014-current.  LinkedIn profile  

Raynaldo Suarez - Click to enlarge
Raynaldo Suarez - SAIT Broadcasting News program; reporter CityNews Calgary 2020; National News Anchor CKWX Vancouver 2021-current.

Ryan Sullivan - Click to enlarge Ryan Sullivan - Broadcast and Journalism, Broadcast Management Certificate BCIT 2008; Diploma, Broadcast Journalism BCIT 2010; producer CKST Vancouver 2004-07; golf writer/ sales 24 Hours Newspaper 2010-11; news/ sports anchor CKWX Vancouver 2010-12; blogger/ online sales Golf Digest Canada 2011-12; freelance columnist The Province Vancouver 2011-14; event emcee Green Men Media 2011-current; head of creative writing, multimedia and marketing Green Men Media North Vancouver 2012-current; MC Griffins Boxing and Fitness 2012-13; producer/ editor/ host Well Over Par Vancouver 2012-13; host Krown Countdown U and Touchdown BC Shaw Communications Vancouver 2012-16; Project Manager Island Summer Games Victoria 2014; ambassador KidzFirst Canada Vancouver 2014-current; marketing coordinator Pacific Western Brewing Company 2014-15; Sports Content Manager Inomatrix Marketing Services 2015-17; Host and Writer Canadian Football League Vancouver 2016-18; Events and Sponsorship Pacific Western Brewing Company Burnaby 2017-18; Director of Audio Daily Hive Vancouver 2018-19; Swing Host and Audio/Visual Content Creator CJAX-FM Vancouver 2019-21; morning show host CKHY-FM Halifax 2021-23; p.m. drive CJDJ-FM Saskatoon 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Katie Summers - Click to enlarge
Katie Summers - Broadcasting diploma Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 2009;  Street Team/ Promotions Corus Entertainment Calgary 2007-08; intern/ overnight announcer - CFWD-FM Saskatoon 2009;  morning co-host/ News Director CFIT-FM Airdrie AB 2009-10; news & traffic Beaver FM Beaver FM Calgary 2010-11; anchor/ editor CFFR Calgary 2010-11; weekend/ swing/ Promo Coordinator then evenings CKMP-FM Calgary 2011-12; morning show host Stingray Calgary 2011-22; night show co-host Stingray group national 2019-current; morning show co-host CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Rosie Summers - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1974; on air originally as Rosie Somers; CKOV Kelowna 1970s; CKLG/ CKLG-FM Vancouver; CFMI-FM Vancouver 1984

Sonia Sunger - Click to enlarge
Sonia Sunger - Journalism Concordia University Montreal; graduate Radio and Television Arts program Northern Alberta Institute of Technology; web writer/ reporter then late night news anchor and Weekend News at 6 anchor CTV Edmonton 2006-12; anchor/ reporter Global BC 2013-current.  LinkedIn profile 

DJ Supafly - Click for larger photo DJ Supafly - Party/ club DJ; mix show DJ then Mix Show Coordinator CFBT-FM Vancouver 2002-current

Karen Surman - Click to enlarge
Karen Surman - News CHQT Edmonton 2008; talk show producer CFAX Victoria; rinkside reporter/ talk show host including Sunday Morning Golf Show CKST Vancouver 2018-21; co-host Rintoul & Surman CISL Vancouver 2021

James Sutton - Click to enlarge James Sutton - Broadcasting and Performing Arts Program Columbia Academy Vancouver 2002; CKYX-FM Fort McMurray AB 2001-03; music director/ on air CJZN-FM Victoria 2003-08; on air/ music director/ APD CKPK-FM Vancouver 2008-19; Real Estate Agent Blu Realty Vancouver 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Joanne Sutton - Click for larger photo Joanne Sutton - BCIT broadcast program graduate 1986; CHON-FM Whitehorse YT 1982; show host and community events reporter CJJR-FM Vancouver 1990s; a.m. drive traffic reporter CKKS-FM Vancouver late 1990s; CKZZ-FM/ CHLG-FM/ CISL Vancouver early 2000s; Owner/ The Little Fruit Pie Company 2011. Died in White Rock March 7, 2021 at age 60

Matt (Sutto) Sutton - Click to enlarge
Matt Sutton - Australian Film Television and Radio School Certificate 1999; drive announcer/ Assistant Music Director Nova 919 Adelaide Australia 2005-06; announcer/ Music Director Sea FM Sunshine Coast Australia 2007-09; guest lecturer Australian Film, Television & Radio School Brisbane Australia 2010; morning announcer/ Operations Manager B105 Brisbane Area Australia 2009-13; morning show personality CJGV-FM Winnipeg 2013-15; on air as Sutto CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Sarah Sutton - Reuters Hong Kong; financial reporter CKWX Vancouver 2001-03; retired from radio

David Suzuki late 1970s -  Click for recent photo Dr. David Suzuki - Award winning scientist/ environmentalist/ broadcaster based in Vancouver; author of 32 books; Ph.D in zoology University of Chicago 1961; professor zoology department University of British Columbia 1963-2001; host Suzuki on Science CBC-TV national 1971-72; host Quirks and Quarks CBC Radio national 1975-79; host The Nature of Things CBC-TV national 1979-2023; founded David Suzuki Foundation 1990; holds 19 honorary doctorates from universities in Canada, U.S. and Australia; recipient Order of Canada Officer 1976, Order of British Columbia 1995 and UNESCO Kalinga Prize for science 1986.  Detailed Biography 

Erwin Swangard - Click for OBE colour enlargement Erwin Swangard (Erwin Michael Swangard) - Reporter/ telegraph editor Saskatoon Star Phoenix 1934-44; freelance at Munich Olympics for  Vancouver Sun/ Toronto Globe 1936; foreign editor/ analyst Vancouver Province 1944-51; Sports/ City/ Assistant Managing Editor Vancouver Sun 1951-68 and Night Editor 1959-68; led campaigns to bring British Empire and Commonwealth Games to Vancouver 1954; co-founder B.C. Lions 1954; Swangard Stadium Burnaby named in honour 1969; News Director CJOR Vancouver 1972-76; member Canadian Football Hall of Fame; Director Pacific National Exhibition 1976 and President 1976-89; named to Order of Canada 1989 and Order of British Columbia 1990; posthumously recognized by BC Sports Hall of Fame with W.A.C. Bennett Award 2014.  Died in Vancouver May 5, 1993 at age 84

Debora Sweeney - Click to enlarge Debora Sweeney - BCIT Journalism Program graduate 1979; CBC-TV Vancouver 1979-80; CKNW New Westminster & CFAX Victoria 1980-81; CBC-TV Vancouver 1981-82; CBC-TV Ottawa 1983-85; CBC Radio Parliamentary Bureau Ottawa 1985-86; CBC Radio Vancouver 1986-87; Public Affairs Officer University of British Columbia 1987-89; Associate Director Public Affairs University of Toronto 1989-91; Manager/ Director positions UBC Development Office, Business Relations, Marketing 1991-2000; Jack Webster Foundation Board Member 1991-current and Co-Chair 2007-current; Vice President Communications BC Children's Hospital Foundation 2000-current

Dennis Sweeting - Staff announcer CBC Vancouver 1940s; host Cine Club CBC Television 1964

J Swing - Click for larger photo J Swing - Marketing/ record promoter; co-creator The Show CITR-FM Vancouver 1994; operator Flavorwest Record Pool; General Manager; CFBT-FM Vancouver current

Bob Switzer - Click to enlarge Bob Switzer - Edmonton radio circa 1950; CJAV Port Alberni 1950s; co-host with PD Dick Batey Calling the Island CJVI Victoria 1950s;  announcer/ reporter then host CBC Television Vancouver 1955-93; host Temple for Teens CBC Radio Vancouver 1960s; co-host with chef John Lindenlaub CBC-TV cooking show Cuisine circa 1964-1966; co-host World Aquarium CBC Vancouver 1975; host Switzer Unlimited CBC-TV National from Vancouver 1976; Bob Switzer Show CBC Vancouver circa 1978; co-host with David Tarrant Education Co-ordinator UBC Botanical Gardens Western Gardener 1982-86 CBC-TV British Columbia and Canadian Gardener 1986-1993 CBC-TV National; officially retired from CBC 1986 (contracted back 1986-93); judge All Point Bulletin newspaper Point Roberts WA/ Delta BC Flowers by the Sea Contest 1992-2002. Died on Gambier Island July 14, 2015 at age 86

Pete Swoboda - Click to enlarge Pete Swoboda - Doc Harris morning show operator CKLG Vancouver 1977-80; production and promotions CFOX-FM Vancouver 1980-88; Production Manager CHRX Vancouver 1989-92; theatre and stage lighting design/ show control systems/ 3D computer animation 1994-current

John Sykes - Click for larger photo John Sykes - CKJL St. Jerome QC 1959; DJ/ news.sports CKGM Montreal 1960-67; DJ/ news/ sports CFOX Montreal 1967-69; Sports Director/ Program Director CKVN/ CFUN Vancouver 1969-73; Sports Director CJOR Vancouver 1973-75; Sports Federation of Canada Canadian Sports Broadcaster of the Year for promotion and support of amateur sport in Canada 1974; PR Director Vancouver Whitecaps Soccer Club (NASL) 1975-76; Sports Director CJJC Langley 1976; part time CFVR Abbotsford 1985-93; BC Liquor Distribution Branch 1999-2003; retired October 2003. Died November 12, 2013 in Abbotsford at age 75

Brian Sylvester - Part time news CKNW New Westminster 1964-65; pilot B.C Airlines

Johathan Szekeres - Click to enlarge Jon Szekeres - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 2013; reporter then morning anchor Vista Radio group Courtenay 2013-15; morning news anchor/ reporter CKOR/ CJMG-FM Penticton 2015-17; reporter/ producer CKWX Vancouver 2017-21; Vancouver film industry 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Eric Szeto - Click to enlarge Eric Szeto - Coordinating editor UBC newspaper The Ubyssey 2006-07; BCIT Broadcast program graduate 2009; intern CBC Radio 3 Vancouver 2008; recipient Alexis Mazurin Award 2008; reporter/ chase producer CBC Vancouver 2008-09; writer/ reporter Global BC 2008-11; Penticton reporter CHBC-TV Kelowna 2011-15; reporter Global TV Edmonton 2015-17; Investigative Journalist CBC Toronto 2017-current.  LinkedIn profile

Katarina Szulc - Click to enlarge
Katarina Szulc - BCIT Degree Online Journalism honours graduate 2021; self employed private tutor Vancouver 2017-19; intern reporter The Discourse Vancouver 2021; VP Journalism/ Social Media (YWiB) BCIT 2019-21; Associate Producer Intern CBC Vancouver 2021; Podcast Host Deep Blue City Vancouver 2020-current; reporter/ web editor CityNews Vancouver 2021-22; reporter CBC Edmonton 2022-23; freelance reporter based in Mexico 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

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