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David Nadalini - Click to enlarge
David Nadalini - BCIT Journalism program graduate 2022; aired radio drama Clue by the Brook CJMP-FM Powell River; news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2022-current

Melanie Nagy - Click for alternate photo Melanie Nagy - Graduate BCIT Journalism program 2003; reporter/ producer CKNW Vancouver; reporter CBC-TV Vancouver 2003-08; recipient Jack Webster Fellowship Award 2006; CBC National reporter for Newfoundland/ Labrador based in St. John's NL 2008-10; network reporter CBC Toronto 2010-12; reporter/ Vancouver Bureau Chief CTV National 2012-23.  LinkedIn profile 

Reshmi Nair - Click to enlarge Reshmi Nair - Columbia Academy graduate 2005; fill-in CKSR-FM Chilliwack; news CISQ/  CISW Squamish/  Whistler; news reporter CKWX Vancouver 2005-08; writer/  reporter CTV British Columbia 2008-09; reporter CTV Toronto 2009; host CBC News Network Toronto 2009-20; host CTV News Toronto 2020; news anchor CP24 Toronto 2020-22; talk show co-host CFRB Toronto 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Roshini Nair - Click to enlarge
Roshini Nair - BCIT Technology Broadcast and Media Communications diploma 2014; English Teacher/  Community Outreach Leonara Primary School Leonara Guyana 2006; Publicity Coordinator University of Alberta Edmonton 2006-07 Volunteer Coordinator 2007-08 & Global Education Assistant 2008-09; Project Assistant Multicultural Health Brokers Co-op Edmonton 2008-09; Contracts Administrator Just For Laughs Montreal 2010 & Senior Contracts Administrator 2011; Volunteer Legal Assistant Concordia Student Union Montreal 2011-12; Homelessness Marathon Coordinator/  Associate News Producer CJSR-FM Edmonton 2013-14; Rabble Podcast Network Intern Vancouver & Edmonton 2015; reporter CKNW Vancouver 2015-16; producer/ researcher CBC Vancouver 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Bif Naked - Click for larger photo Bif Naked - (Beth Torbert) Juno Award winning Canadian punk rock singer and actress; singer Winnipeg band Jungle Milk; released first self-titled album 1995; released second album I Bificus 1998; morning traffic CFOX-FM Vancouver late 2003; married Vancouver Sun sports writer Ian Walker 2007, since divorced; volunteer offering encouragement to palliative-care patients current; signed on with the National Speakers Bureau, talking about her experiences all over North America current; writing memoirs for HarperCollins current.  Wikipedia biography  Bif Naked website

Nardwuar - Click to enlarge
Nardwuar - (John Ruskin) Volunteer coordinator and show host CITR-FM Vancouver/  freelance correspondent Nardwuar the Human Serviette, Inc. 1987-current; freelance correspondent MuchMusic Vancouver 1991-97; freelance correspondent various media outlets including Mint Records and 1999-2009; inducted into B.C. Entertainment Hall of Fame/  received star on Walk of Fame on Vancouver’s Granville Street 2019.  LinkedIn profile 

Hana Mae Nassar - Click to enlarge
Hana Mae Nassar - BCIT Broadcast program graduate 2017; Linguist Idilia Montreal 2010; Coordinator Rogers Communications 2012-15; freelance writer Global News Vancouver 2016-17; web editor CKWX Vancouver 2017-24 & Managing Editor 2021-24.  LinkedIn profile

Joe Naylor photo courtesy Greg Wilmot - Click to enlarge Joe Naylor - CITR-FM Vancouver; CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1980-81; evenings CJAZ-FM Vancouver early 1980s; nightclub DJ

Saima Naz - Click to enlarge
Saima Naz - Radio India talk show host KVRI Blaine 2001-06; director of programs Higher Grade Learning Centre Surrey 2002-current; morning show co-host CJRJ Vancouver 2006-07; host Chai Time OMNI TV Vancouver and community calendar CJRJ 2008; Monday talk show co-host CJRJ 2009-12

Phil Needham - News CJOR Vancouver early 1960s; reporter Vancouver Sun 1960s-90s; Newspaper Guild Vancouver president late 1970s

Gunny Neeland - Click to enlarge Gunny Neeland - BCIT journalism 1982-84; reporter CKWX Vancouver 1984-86; morning show producer CKO Montreal 1987; reporter CBC Montreal 1987; as Gunny Tennese real estate agent Winnipeg current

Randene Neill - Click to enlarge Randene Neill - BCIT Broadcast graduate 1996; anchor/  reporter BCTV News on Global/  Global BC 1998-2016; Communications and Corporate Marketing Director then Media Advisor Anthem Properties Vancouver 2016-19; Communications/ Consulting/ Video/ Storytelling Sole Proprietor Vancouver 2018-19; Senior Communications & Engagement Specialist new St. Paul's Hospital Vancouver 2019-21; morning news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2021-22; Associate, Media Trainer Coast Communications and Public Affairs Vancouver 2023-24; Communications Consultant BC Parks Foundation 2023-24; elected NDP MLA Powell River-Sunshine Coast riding 2024.  LinkedIn profile

Arnie Nelson - Click to enlarge with early photo courtesy Top Dog history of CKNW Arnie Nelson - Guitar and vocal performer at age 10 The Children's Hour, Bill Rea's Roundup, Ranger's Cabin CKNW New Westminster beginning in 1944; accomplished steel guitarist playing on TV and radio with Jack Jenson and the Rhythm Pals 1950s; assistant record librarian/  control room/  sportscast operator/  all-night DJ and later commercial sales CKNW 1945-64; general sales manager CJOR Vancouver 1965; manager west coast operations All-Canada Radio and TV 1965-76; miscellaneous radio involvement 1976-82; retired from radio 1982; background performer and member Union of BC Performers, working on movies, commercials and TV episodes following retirement; advertising New York 1987-91; member CAB Half Century Club and The Western Swing Society; inducted into B.C. Country Music Hall of Fame 2006.  Died in Vancouver June 7, 2009 at age 74

Bert Nelson - Click to enlarge
Bert Nelson - Served in RCAF 1941-45; announcer/  operator CBC Edmonton 1949-53; staff announcer CBC Vancouver 1953-73 including host Call for Music 1957-58 and Klahanie CBC-TV and host The Second Fifty and Along the Way CBC Radio and co-host with Allan Watts on Living CBC-TV Vancouver 1971; published three books: The Shadow Watchers, Lep and the Dirty Synapse and Odds and Ends.  Died May 24, 2015 in North Vancouver at age 92. 

Bill Nelson - Click to enlarge Bill Nelson - Evenings CKDM Dauphin MB 1971-72; evenings CKPG Pr. George 1972-73; evenings CFRN Edmonton 1973-74; weekends CFMI-FM New Westminster 1974-75; weekends CJJC Langley 1975-76; morning host/  music director CFVR Abbotsford 1976-83; staff announcer/  talk show producer  CKNW New Westminster 1983-91; staff announcer/  promotions CKNW 1991-99; website administrator/  marketing & advertising/  customer service Cloverdale Antique Mall, Cloverdale BC 2000-2003; part time studies program instructor radio & TV copywriting BC Institute of Technology 2000-current; voice work current

Chris Nelson - Click to enlarge Chris Nelson - Reporter/  producer Vancouver Television (VTV) 1997-99; host/  producer/  videographer MuchWest MuchMusic 1999-2001; co-host/  producer/  videographer Going Coastal MuchMusic 2001-07

Shannon Nelson - Click to enlarge Shannon Nelson - North Shore News columnist; author; national television host; Director of Development Kay Meek Centre for the Performing Arts West Vancouver; talk show host CFUN Vancouver 2001-07; host People Uncut OMNI TV Vancouver 2005-07; morning co-host CJMK-FM Saskatoon 2009-10; Managing Editor/  writer/  podcaster CEO.CA 2014-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Tara Nelson - Click for larger photo Tara Nelson - News reporter/  anchor CFTK-TV Terrace BC 1991-95; CKRD-TV Red Deer AB 1995; morning news anchor/  troubleshooter Global TV Edmonton 1995-2000; CHEK-TV Victoria 2000-01; news reporter Global National BCTV/ Global Television Vancouver 2001-05 then weekend anchor 2005-08; Global National UK Bureau Chief based in London 2008-10; anchor CTV News at Six CTV Calgary 2010-current

Bob Ness CKLG-FM publicity photo - Click to enlarge Bob Ness - Wrote & read poetry on air and played avant-garde jazz & rock CKLG-FM Vancouver 1968-1976; jazz show CBC-FM Vancouver 1975; host/ interviewer of major jazz musicians Cable Ten Community Channel Vancouver 1975-76; Downbeat writer Georgia Straight Vancouver; KJAZ-FM San Francisco 1977-81; property manager San Francisco/ Oakland 1981-current; writer unpublished novel Clean Coffee about the CKLG-FM experience and The Snakefighter & Other Stories; writer unpublished a long as he lives experimental work called Inter Alia; writing a novel called The Adventures of Octoman 2020.  

Alan Newberry CKDA Victoria 1960s - Click to enlarge with recent photo Alan Newberry - At age 12 producer/ emcee weekly children's talent show CKDA Victoria; co-founder with artist Robert Genn, University of Victoria station CKVC 1957; Production Manager UBC Radio Society and producer/ host UBC Digest on thirteen B.C. radio stations; announcer Varsity Time CKLG Vancouver late 1950s; commercial writer CKDA Victoria and staff announcer CJVI Victoria 1960s; 35 year career as a teacher and administrator; substitute open line show host CKDA Victoria 1970s; as Ralph Samuels producer/ host Country Bandstand CJDC Dawson Creek; retired and living in South Surrey

Bill Newell - Click to enlarge Bill Newell - Radio editor and chief news announcer CKWX Vancouver mid 1930s-early 1940s; also heard on CKMO Vancouver

Claire Newell - Click to enlarge Claire Newell - Owner/ President Jubilee Tours and Travel Ltd. Burnaby 1993-current; official Travel Consultant BCTV/ Global Television Vancouver 1996-current and host Best Bets 2004-current; appears six days a week on various news programs across Western Canada; chosen by Business in Vancouver as one of 40 Under 40 2005; sits on industry boards including Travel Industry Advisory Group; author Travel Best Bets 2008.  Claire Newell website

Dianne Newman - Click to enlarge Dianne Newman - CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler 1986-89; news CKXY Vancouver 1989-92; news CKKS-FM then news anchor CKWX Vancouver 1992-2011; narrator Descriptive Video Works Vancouver 2013-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Kevin Newman - Click to enlarge Kevin Newman - Assignment reporter/ Parliamentary correspondent Global News Ottawa 1980-86; national correspondent CTV 1984-88; anchor/ national correspondent CBC 1988-94; anchor/ network correspondent ABC News 1994-2001; executive editor/ anchor Global National Global Television Vancouver 2001-08 and Ottawa 2008-10; founder New Man Media Ltd. 2007-current; board of directors Communitech Digital Media Incubation Hub Waterloo ON 2011-current; host CTV Question Period/ correspondent W5 CTV national from Ottawa 2011-13; host Kevin Newman Live CTV News Channel 2013-14; substitute anchor CTV National News/ W5 Correspondent Toronto 2014-current; Awards: Canada's Best News Anchor Gemini; ABC 2000 Coverage Peabody Award; Documentary Gold Medal New York Festival of Film & Television 2012; Platinum Remi Award - Investigative Journalism 2012 WorldFest Independent Film Festival Houston 2012.  LinkedIn profile 

Michael Newman - Click to enlarge
Michael Newman - BA/ BBA Entrepreneurship University of Central Florida Orlando 2011; Music Entertainment Specialist/ Advertising and Marketing Consultant Knightlyfe LLC Orlando 2007-08; Senator UCF Student Government Association University of Central Florida 2008-09; Finance Intern AIPAC 2009; Diversity Department Intern Fox Entertainment Group Los Angeles Area 2010; Leadership Council Student Sustainability Alliance University of Central Florida 2010-11; On-Camera Host/ Producer Orlando LIVE 2011-12; Face of Fox On Camera Talent KASA-TV Albuquerque NM 2012-13; New Mexico True Television Host CliffDweller Digital Albuquerque 2014-17; Freelance Web Designer 2016-current; Film Supervisor Location Fixers BC Vancouver 2017-current; Community Reporter Global News Vancouver 2018-23; self-employed Mindfulness Meditation Facilitator 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Vanessa Newman - Click to enlarge
Vanessa Newman - BCIT Broadcast graduate; weekends CKPK-FM Vancouver; afternoon co-host/ Assistant Music Director CKZZ-FM Vancouver/ voice tracking middays CKMP-FM Calgary current; BCAB Broadcast Performer of Tomorrow 2019.

Bobby Ng 1970s - Click for recent photo Bobby Ng - From age 16 TV-radio ABS-CBN Manila, Philippines 1954-63 including hosting two Beatles concerts and numerous celebrity interviews, sportscaster with basketball and boxing coverages and host weekly TV dance show; VP/ GM Atlas Resources & Management Group, Philippines 1963-72; afternoon drive CJVB Vancouver 1973-77; p.m. drive/ middays CHQT Edmonton 1977-93; program leader Context Associated Edmonton 1993-2000; president BNG Pro Motion Ltd. Edmonton 2001-11.  Died in Edmonton October 5, 2011 at age 73

Callum Ng - Click to enlarge
Callum Ng - Masters of Management ECM Sauder School of Business Vancouver 2009;  Broadcast and Media Communications BCIT 2012; president/ founder Green Grads Exterior Cleaning Vancouver 2005-current; athlete ambassador Act Now BC 2008-10; director/ partner NG Farrell Marketing Vancouver 2009-11; executive director BC Athlete Voice 2011-current; announcer CiTR-FM Vancouver 2012-current; afternoon news and traffic CJRJ Vancouver 2012-13; Senior Writer/ Producer Canadian Olympic Committee Toronto 2013-15; play-by-play announcer Oshawa Generals Hockey Club 2014-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Amil Niazi - Click to enlarge Amil Niazi - BCIT Broadcast journalism graduate; intern Terminal City weekly Vancouver; freelance CBC Radio 3; editor Only magazine Vancouver; co-host Ethnosonic Citytv Vancouver 2006-current

Ray Nichol CKDA 1940s - Click to enlarge Ray Nichol (Gerald Ray Nichol) - Host Empire Music Hall CKDA Victoria 1940s; host Jazz 'n' Things CBC Radio Vancouver 1960s.  Died in Vancouver November 17, 1969 at age 44

Bailey Nicholson
Bailey Nicholson - Langara College Journalism program graduate 2016; news anchor/ reporter CKNW Vancouver 2016-18; news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2018-22   

Brian Nicholson - Click to enlarge Brian Nicholson - Music Industry Arts graduate Fanshawe College London ON 1981; radio technician CBC Vancouver 1981-82; engineer/ producer CKLG/ CFOX-FM Vancouver 1981-94 including producer 'LG Morning Zoo, recorded, played, and sang on most of the Cement-Heads song parodies; editor/ recordist Post Modern Sound Vancouver 1994-97; freelance recording engineer 1997-98; financial consultant Investors Group North Vancouver 1999-2015; composer current. LinkedIn profile

Jim Nicholson - Production/ weekends/ operator Jack Wasserman talk show CJOR Vancouver late 1960s-early 70s

Leo Nicholson - Click to enlarge Leo Nicholson (Lionel Edward Nicholson) - Actors agent/ movie director Hollywood circa 1920; host Big Brother Bill show; Voice of Lacrosse New Westminster Salmonbellies CJOR 1934-45 except NHL Canadiens home broadcaster Montreal 1941-42; broadcast baseball, boxing, wrestling, basketball and auto racing; first play-by-play announcer for the amateur Pacific Coast Hockey League Vancouver Canucks Home Gas Hockey Broadcast CKMO Vancouver; most valuable lacrosse goalkeeper award Leo Nicholson Memorial Trophy named in his honour.  Died in Vancouver October 28, 1947 at age 53

Tamiko Nicholson - Click to enlarge Tamiko Nicholson - Langara College Journalism graduate; writer/ reporter/ technical director CKWX Vancouver 2002-09; writer current.  LinkedIn profile 

Clint Nickerson - Click for larger Kevin Murdoch photo
Clint Nickerson - CJVI Victoria early 1970s; CKDA Victoria; news anchor CKVN/ CFUN Vancouver early 1970s; news anchor CFTR Toronto mid 1970s; CityTV Toronto; producer weekly public affairs show Sunday Sunday CFTR; PD CJCL Toronto; Broadcast News Toronto early 1980s; City Pulse senior news producer CityTV Toronto 1990s; responsible for establishing and Director of News and Information Programming CIVI-TV (The New VI) Victoria 2001-04; board member Victoria Golf Club 2004-17 and Club President 2015-17.  Died in Victoria June 3, 2017 at age 65

Joe Nickolls - Click to enlarge Joe Nickolls - BCIT Broadcast program 1988; CKST Langley 1988-89; evenings CKXY Vancouver 1989-91; as Jo-Jo evenings/ music director CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1991-94; promotion/ marketing rep Polygram Records (Mercury Polydor) 1994-98; producer Radical Entertainment (video games) 1998-2002; senior producer EA Sports (Electronic Arts) 2002-current

Christine Nielsen - Click to enlarge
Christine Nielsen - Reporter BCTV Vancouver 1980s; Producer/ Reporter CBC Television Toronto 1987-91; Foreign Correspondent W5 CTV Network Toronto 1991-98; Asia Bureau Chief & Correspondent CTV Beijing 1998-2001; self employed Producer/ Writer/ Director & Show Consultant Toronto 2002-current; Executive Producer Discovery Canada Toronto 2011-13.  LinkedIn profile 

Craig Nielsen - Click to enlarge Craig Nielsen - BCIT broadcast program graduate; news reporter then sports reporter/ anchor CKWX 1996-2001; Vancouver Whitecaps field reporter CKST Vancouver 2001; weekend sports anchor CTV British Columbia 2001-07

Jim Nielsen CFUN 1960s - Click for recent photo Jim Nielsen - Staff announcer CJVI Victoria 1959-60; morning news (with Vic Waters) CJOR Vancouver 1960-62; morning news/ News Director/ talk show with Roy Jacques CFUN Vancouver 1962-67; morning news/ News Director CFAX Victoria 1967-68; News Director/ Operations Manager/ talk show host CJOR 1968-75; MLA Richmond (1975-79-83 elections) and Member Provincial Cabinet, Minister of the Environment, Minister of Consumer & Corporate Affairs, Minister of Health, Minister of Social Services 1975-86; Chairman Workers' Compensation Board of B.C. 1987-89; President B.C. MRI 1992; political columnist Richmond Review/ Capital News/ Westside Weekly Richmond and Kelowna 1993; talk show host CKST Vancouver 1995-96; Councillor Peachland B.C. 1999-2002 and 2005-08; moved back to west coast 2008 and worked as a public speaker and newspaper columnist.  Died in New Westminster April 4, 2018 at age 79

Neil Nisbet 1954 - Click to enlarge Neil Nisbet - News commentator then news director CKWX Vancouver circa 1950-70; Wee Neil on Scottish music program Mang The Heather CKWX 1950s; news director CFVR Abbotsford early 1970s; retired

Bob Nixon - Click to enlarge Bob Nixon - CBC Toronto 1980; CBC Iqaliut 1981; CBC Regina 1982; CBC Beijing 1987; CBC Winnipeg 1989; reporter CBC Vancouver 1990; host/ reporter CNBC Hong Kong 1996-98; CBC San Francisco 1998; anchor/ reporter CBC Vancouver 2002-14; retired.  LinkedIn profile  

Bik Nizzar - Click to enlarge
Bik Nizzar - CKSR-FM Chilliwack; producer then sports talk show host CISL Vancouver circa 2017-current

Wee Jimmie Noble "Wee" Jimmie Noble - CKMO Vancouver early 1930s; performer CRBC Network station CHWK Chilliwack 1930s

Tyler Noble - Click to enlarge Tyler Noble - BA University of British Columbia 2006; BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 2008; news director CITR-FM Vancouver 2005-07; sports director CITR-FM 2006-10; UBC Thunderbirds football play-by-play 2007-09; news reporter/ anchor CKNW Vancouver 2008-10; videojournalist/ substitute news anchor CFTK-TV Terrace 2010-11; talk show host/ producer CFTK-TV Terrace 2012-13; Business & Communications officer District of Kitimat 2013-16; Manager of Quality Assurance then Operations Co-ordinator Nechako Group of Companies Terrace BC 2016-20; Operations Coordinator Emil Anderson Maintenance Terrace 2020-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Julie Nolin - Click to enlarge Julie Nolin - Communication Arts Diploma Lethbridge Community College; Master of Arts degree in Intercultural and International Communication Royal Roads University Victoria 2010; print reporter/ editor 1990-95; reporter CKSA-TV Lloydminster AB 1995; anchor/ reporter CJFB-TV Swift Current SK 1996-97; reporter A-Channel Calgary 1997-2001; anchor/ reporter/ producer CFQC-TV Saskatoon 2001-02; anchor/ reporter/ producer A-Channel Edmonton 2002-05; co-host CityNews at Six Citytv Vancouver 2005-06; weekend news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2006; news anchor CHEK-TV Victoria 2006-09; faculty communication BCIT 2010-current; reporter/ producer/ writer CTV British Columbia 2013; anchor/ reporter CTV Edmonton 2013-14; reporter/ producer/ writer/ anchor CTV Vancouver 2014-22 current; Associate Faculty Royal Roads University Victoria 2020-21; journalist/ content producer Global TV Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Sonja Nordahl - Click to enlarge
Sonja Nordahl - BCIT Broadcast program graduate; news anchor/ reporter/ radio announcer CKPG-TV Prince George 1992-95; news anchor Global News Edmonton 1995-97; anchor/ senior reporter Vancouver Television CIVT 1997-2002; national morning news anchor/ business reporter and analyst CTV News Toronto 2002-06; Media Consultant Merkato Communications Toronto 2013-16; Adjunct Professor Medill School of Journalism Northwestern University Evanston IL 2009-current.  LinkedIn profile 

David Norman - Click to enlarge
David Norman - Long-time Canadian soccer player as defensive midfielder beginning in 1981; Associate Manager Sun Life Financial Vancouver 1991-99; President Sporg Internet Corporation Vancouver 1999-2008; Vice President The Active Network 2008-09; President Partner TAG Financial Langley 2009-18; Contributor/ Vancouver Whitecaps Colour Analyst CKST Vancouver 2011-18. LinkedIn profile

Pippa Norman - Click to enlarge
Pippa Norman - Bachelor of Journalism Environmental Studies Carleton University Ottawa 2023; Barista Equator Coffee Roasters Ottawa 2018-19; creator Fun and Safety North Vancouver 2020; blog writer Happy Goat Coffee Co 2021; Arts Editor then Features Editor The Charlatan Ottawa 2021-23; intern reporter Glacier Media 2022; contract part time research assistant The Climate Disaster Project Ottawa 2022-23; freelance writer 2022-current; Research Assistant The Climate Disaster Project Ottawa 2022-23; intern reporter The Globe and Mail Toronto 2023; part time web editor/ reporter CityNews Vancouver 2023-24; contract part time What Works editor The Tyee Vancouver 2024-current.  LinkedIn profile

Sara Norman - Click to enlarge
Sara Norman - Bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies (writing, photography, education and humanities) UBC; graduate Broadcast Journalism BCIT; anchor/ reporter CKOR Penticton; Freelance
Journalist/ Writer Vancouver/ Lower Mainland/ Whistler 2008-current; anchor/
reporter CKNW Vancouver; anchor/ reporter CKWX Vancouver 2013-14; Federal NDP Candidate Coquitlam-Port Coquitlam 2014-15; Communications Coordinator International Union of Operating Engineers Burnaby 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile  

Gerry Norris 1975 - Click to enlarge Gerry Norris - CJJC Langley 1969-late 1970s

Jack Nortman - Click to enlarge Jack Nortman - CHTK Prince Rupert 1977-79; CHNL Kamloops 1979-80; Copywriting night school 1980; CHWK Chilliwack 1980-81; as Jay Alexander CJOR Vancouver 1981-82; Instructor Columbia Academy Vancouver 1983-85; announcer/ production CKO-FM4 Vancouver 1980-84; Field Operations BC Rapid Transit 1985-2012; co-host ethnic radio show HaMakor CFRO-FM Vancouver 1993-2001; producer JN Productions 2001-current; Smooth jazz program fill-in host CJSF-FM Burnaby 2011 and fill-in CITR-FM Vancouver 2012-13; Essentials of Marketing BCIT 2012.  LinkedIn profile

Dave Nowak - Click to enlarge
Dave Nowak - BCIT Broadcast journalism graduate 2002; associate producer Western Broadcast Centre TSN/ Sportsnet Pacific Vancouver January 1998-2005; script writer Electronic Arts Burnaby 2003-04; as Dave Novak sports reporter/ anchor CKWX Vancouver 2004-05; news reporter/ video journalist CFJC-TV Kamloops 2005-06; technical sales Crossroads C&I Burnaby 2006-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Bob Nunn - CFAX Victoria; weekends/ promotions CKNW, CKWX and CJOR Vancouver; afternoons CFVR Abbotsford 1970s; mornings CJJC Langley circa 1977; president Abbotsford Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles 1984-85 & 1987-88.  Died in Mission April 5, 2016 at age 68

Harry Nuttall - Click to enlarge
Harry Nuttall - Cameraman/ photographer/ reporter CBC Vancouver 1950s-60s; covered demolition of Ripple Rock in Discovery Passage April 5, 1958 and interviewed on camera April 5, 2008; freelance news cameraman/ photographer CTV Vancouver; reporter CBC Newsmagazine then news director CBC Network Television Toronto; freelance photographer CBC National News (English and French) Vancouver; reporter CBC Edmonton up to retirement and move to Vancouver Island 1989.  Died August 15, 2009 at age 83

Jeremy Nuttall - Click to enlarge Jeremy Nuttall - Journalism New Brunswick Community College Woodstock NB 2001-02 and Langara College Vancouver 2002-03; news reporter Crowsnest Pass Promoter Newspaper Blairmore AB 2003-04; editor Similkameen Spotlight Princeton BC 2004-05; afternoon news reporter/ anchor CIGV-FM Penticton 2005-06; freelance stringer Vancouver Sun & The Tyee 2005-06; reporter/ editor CBC news Vancouver 2006-09; reporter WestEnder newspaper Vancouver 2007-08; Host/ Editor China Radio International Beijing China 2009-12; Reporter The Canadian Press Vancouver 2012; Senior reporter/ City Editor 24 Hours Vancouver 2013-14; Parliament Hill Reporter The Tyee Ottawa 2014-18; Journalist The Toronto Star Vancouver 2018-current.  LinkedIn profile

Oga Nwobosi - Click to enlarge
Oga Nwobosi - Reporter Vancouver Sun 1995; Newsbreak anchor/ junior associate producer/ reporter CKVU-TV Vancouver 1995-99; reporter The Weather Network Vancouver Bureau 1999-current.

Harvey Oberfeld - Click for larger photo Harvey Oberfeld - Bachelor of Arts Degree Sir George Williams University (now Concordia) Montreal 1968; Assistant Editor C-I-L Industries Contact Employee Newspaper Montreal 1968; reporter Saskatoon Star Phoenix 1969; Regina Leader Post 1969-71; first Regional Affairs Reporter then BC Provincial Legislature reporter Vancouver Sun 1971-79; reporter 1979-81 then Ottawa Bureau Chief 1981-89 and political and investigative reporter 1989-2006 (retired) BCTV Vancouver; Canadian Association of Journalists National Award for Best Reporting for Regional Newscast 1990; Webster Award Best Reporting of the Year-TV 1991; CAB Gold Ribbon Reward for reporting 1991; RTNDA of Canada Dan MacArthur national & regional awards 1991; BCAB Award for Best Reporting-Television 1996; Jack Webster Award for Excellence in Legal Journalism 2004.  Harvey's blog

Ros Oberlyn - Click to enlarge Ros Oberlyn - Senior reporter/ BC legislative bureau chief Vancouver Sun; news and current affairs reporter CBC-TV Vancouver, The Journal Toronto and CBC Northern Services Whitehorse; instructor radio/ TV/ newspaper design/ layout Langara College Vancouver current

Mickey O'Brien - Host O'Brien's Ghost CJOR Vancouver early 1940s

Neil O'Brien - Click to enlarge Neil O'Brien - Copywriting/ radio announcing program Columbia Academy and TV production planning BCIT; CKXY/ CIMA Vancouver 1990-92; CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1992-95; Rogers Satellite Radio Network Vancouver 1995-97; evening/ weekend traffic reporter CKWX Vancouver 1996-2002; host/ ring announcer Can-Am Wrestling KBCB-TV Bellingham WA 2000-01; contributing writer Sports Vue magazine 2000-02; program manager Skywords Traffic Vancouver 2003; evening/ weekend traffic reporter CKWX 2004-07; traffic CHMJ/ CKNW Vancouver 2007-09; traffic reporter CHWK-FM Chilliwack/ CISL & CHHR-FM Vancouver/ The Canadian Traffic Network 2008-12; traffic reporter CHMJ/ CKNW 2011-16; traffic reporter CKWX 2016-17.  Died December 5, 2017 at age 47.  LinkedIn profile 

Dan O'Connor - Click to enlarge
Dan O'Connor - Radio broadcasting diploma Columbia Academy Vancouver 2006; radio host CHET-FM Chetwynd BC 2006-07; Sports Director CJNB North Battleford SK 2007-11; TV host Access Communications Cooperative Saskatchewan 2009-11; Manager of Broadcasting, Media and Community Relations/ Team Services/ play-by-play broadcaster Prince George Cougars 2011-17; Director of Media Relations WHL Vancouver Giants/ play-by-play announcer CKST/ CFTE Vancouver 2017-18 and CISL Vancouver 2018-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Linda O'Connor - Traffic CFRB Toronto 1993-94; news CKWX/ CKKS-FM Vancouver circa 2000; news CJNW Vancouver 2001

Ellie O'Day - Click to enlarge Ellie O'Day - CKOK Penticton 1977-78; CKLG Vancouver 1978; CKLG-FM/ CFOX-FM Vancouver 1978-80; CFMI-FM Vancouver 1981-87; CJOR/ CHRX Vancouver 1987-88; Promotions Direction CKWX Vancouver 1989-90; freelance CBC regional and national 1981-91; arts publicity and consulting O'Day Productions current

Gerry O'Day - Click to enlarge Gerry O'Day - CKOK Penticton 1977-78; CFMC-FM Saskatoon 1978; CFMQ-FM Regina 1978-79; CHAB Moose Jaw 1979-83, evenings then AM drive/ music director CFOX-FM Vancouver 1983-89; syndicated Canadian chart show Canada Jam on 20 stations including CKLG Vancouver 1982-87; CHRX Vancouver 1989-91; MD/ APD CISL Vancouver 1992-2012; PD/ MD CISL 2005-11; breakfast host CISL 2005-12; voice tracking including myFM Network ON & Central Island Radio; VT CFMG-FM Edmonton 2003-08; announcer CIGV-FM Penticton/ CKKO-FM Kelowna 2012-17; V.T. announcer special countdown programming MYfm network Ontario 2014-current; senior swing announcer CKOR Penticton 2017-18; midday network announcer Bell Media BC Interior stations/ p.m. drive CILK-FM Kelowna 2018-19; fill-in announcer CKOV-FM Kelowna 2023-current

Herbert O'Driscol - Click to enlarge Herbert O'Driscoll - Rev. Dr. Herbert O'Driscoll; Anglican Priest, international missioner and teacher; former Dean Christ Church Cathedral Vancouver; host One Man's Journal CHQM Vancouver 1960s; author of numerous books including Emmanuel and Portrait of a Woman; now living in Victoria

John Olding - Click to enlarge
John Olding - (Sinclair John Olding) moved to Canada from Scotland 1957; copy runner Vancouver Sun 1958; reporter Powell River BC 1960; reporter The Sun 1960-69; news CHQM Vancouver 1969-73; copy editor The Sun 1973-2007.  Died in Vancouver February 16, 2007 at age 65 

Kevin Olenick - Click to enlarge
Kevin Olenick - Vancouver Institute of Media Arts (VanArts) Radio and TV diploma 2016; BCIT Diploma of Education, Radio Arts and Entertainment 2021; Citizen Reporter The Calgary Beacon 2011-current; Agree or Disagree podcast host Calgary 2014- current; ,board operator Corus Entertainment Vancouver 2017; Street Team member CISF-FM Surrey 2016-17; Each for All contributor CFRO-FM Vancouver 2016-18; merchandiser Shoppers Drug Mart Vancouver 2017; fundraiser Stratcom Vancouver 2017-18; The Hockey Podcast freelance host Vancouver 2018-current; traffic reporter CKWX Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Eduardo Olivares - Click to enlarge Eduardo Olivares - Freelance radio journalist Tocapilla, Chile 1962-64; community program Antofagasta, Chile 1964; Chilean government-sanctioned radio early 1970s; host Spanish language program Latino Soy CJVB Vancouver 1992-97 and CHKG-FM Vancouver 1997-2022; recipient Queen's Jubilee Award for Canadian citizens who have made an "outstanding and exemplary contribution" to their community 2002. Died December 27, 2022 at age 81.

Don Oliver - Staff announcer with own program CKMO Vancouver 1945-47

John Oliver CHEC 1971 - Click for recent photo John Oliver - CHAT Medicine Hat 1969; CHEC Lethbridge 1970-74; CJME Regina 1974; CKOC Hamilton 1974-77; CHUM-FM Toronto 1977-79; weekends and weekday interview program The New Age CFMI-FM Vancouver 1979-83; news/ features CKKS-FM/ CKWX Vancouver 1983-87; interviews/ features/ DJ CKXY Vancouver 1987-88; created radio show prep sheet Canadian Informer published 1987-93; announcer/ assistant program director CKSR-FM Chilliwack 1989-2000; instructor then Assistant Instructor & Admissions Head BCIT Radio program 2001-11; retired 2011

Telford Oliver CJAT 1948 - Click to enlarge
Telford Oliver - CJAT Trail 1948; CJOR Vancouver; staff announcer CBC Radio Vancouver 1950s-70s

Tina Oliver CFUN - Click to enlarge Tina Oliver - Afternoon drive talk show host CFUN Vancouver 2005-06

Chris Olsen - Click to enlarge Chris Olsen - University of BC Radio CYVR; sports CJJC Langley; sports then news reporter/ Assistant News Director CKNW Vancouver 1983-97; reporter 1997-2000 VTV Vancouver and Assignment Editor VTV news 2000-01; host Olsen on Your Side CTV British Columbia 2001-11; press secretary for B.C. premier Christy Clark 2011-12; consultant Peak Communicators Vancouver 2012-current

Michael Olstrom - Click to enlarge Michael Olstrom - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; CKGF Grand Forks 1980-82; CJJC Langley 1982-85; CFOX-FM Vancouver 1985-86; CKXY Vancouver 1986-91; CKKS-FM Vancouver 1991-92; Group Program Director Okanagan Radio Limited Penticton 1992-95; PD CKCK/ CFWF-FM Regina 1996-2001; Station Group Manager Harvard Broadcasting CKRM/ CHMX-FM/ CFWF-FM Regina 2002-10; director Saskatchewan Roughriders/ Grey Cup Festival Committee 2003; VP/ GM CHBD-FM Regina 2011-13.  LinkedIn profile 

Jeff O'Neil - Click to enlarge Jeff O'Neil - Started in radio at age 12; CKAP Kapuskasing ON/ CKGB Timmins ON 1980-91; CHTK Prince Rupert 1991-92; host 25 various small markets CJMX-FM/ Pelmorex Radio Network Sudbury ON 1992-95; CFOX-FM Vancouver evenings 1995-99, p.m. drive 1999-2003 and a.m. drive 2003-current

Dennis O'Neill - Click to enlarge
Dennis O'Neill - On-air CKEK Cranbrook 1977-79; on-air CFJC Kamloops 1979-80; on-air CFRW Winnipeg 1980-84; production CFRW/ CHIQ-FM Winnipeg 1984-88; on-air CKXY Vancouver 1988-89; radio instructor P.R.A. 1988-90; on-air CKLG Vancouver 1989-90; production CKKS-FM Vancouver 1990-96; part time radio instructor British Columbia Institute of Technology 1994-2000; production Wordnoise Studios Vancouver 1996-98; part time production CFOX-FM Vancouver 1998-99; full time radio instructor BCIT for 27 years/ freelance production. Died in North Vancouver September 24, 2021 at age 62

Terry O’Neill - Click for larger photo Terry O’Neill - Award-winning journalist/ commentator and noted speaker on moral and social issues; commentator/ analyst CBC Newsworld, CBC Radio, Global TV, and CKNW Vancouver; legislative correspondent Canadian Press; Assignment Editor First News CKVU-TV Vancouver 1983-89; columnist/ editor-in-chief BC Report Magazine 1990s; associate editor/ BC bureau chief The Report magazine 1999-2003; associate editor Citizen's Centre Report magazine 2003; fill-in host CKST Vancouver; host/ producer X-change NOWTV Vancouver 2004; Vancouver-based Senior Writer Western Standard magazine Calgary 2004-current; founding news anchor then regular contributor with Steve Burgess The Standard OMNI-TV Vancouver 2005-current; weekly columnist Tri-City News Coquitlam 2005-current

Imbert Orchard - Click to enlarge Imbert Orchard (Robert Imbert Graham Orchard) - Explorer/ interviewer/ narrator/ author and one of most significant producers of oral history in Canada; began in the early 1960s to record oral histories of rural Canadians and Native Americans throughout British Columbia; productions included Living Memory, From the Mountains to the Sea and People in Landscape CBC Radio Vancouver.  Died in Vancouver June 2, 1991 at age 82

Ray Orchard 1950s - Click for larger photo courtesy Radio Luxembourg Ray Orchard - Weekends at age 14 CJVI Victoria 1945 then full time; news CKWX Vancouver 1950s; Radio Nederland, Hilversum Netherlands; Radio Luxembourg 1957-60s; TV appearances ITV's Thank Your Lucky Stars and BBC's Juke Box Jury London UK; Died June 18, 2020 in Victoria at age 89

Sara Orlesky - Click to enlarge
Sara Orlesky - Communications Simon Fraser University; weekend sports producer/ anchor CKVU-TV Vancouver 2002-04; reporter The Score; sports reporter TSN Toronto 2007-11 then lead reporter including CFL sideline reporter TSN Winnipeg 2011-current 

Laura Ornest KNX - Click for larger photo Laura Ornest - Assistant GM Vancouver Canadians baseball team; sportscaster/ CFL sideline reporter CKNW New Westminster 1980s; host 11 p.m. sportscast/ host weekend sports talk show/ host Reach for the Top CBC-TV Vancouver; news reporter KHJ-TV; freelance sports reporter ESPN; KFWB Los Angeles; documentary producer E! Entertainment; producer O.J. Simpson trial CNN; recipient several Golden Mike Awards; reporter KFWB/ KNX Los Angeles 1997-2009; feature interviewer KUSC-FM Los Angeles 2009-13; served on Board of Jewish Family Services and the Jewish Federation Los Angeles; Vista Del Mar Women of Excellence Visionary Award 2020.

Andy Orr 1995- Click for larger photo Andy Orr - Political reporter CKNW and CBC-TV Vancouver; Media Secretary to B.C. Premier Mike Harcourt B.C. early 1990s; Executive Director B.C. Government Public Affairs Bureau 2000-07; Vice-President Ascent Public Affairs Victoria 2007-current

George Orr - Click to enlarge George Orr - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1979; night beat reporter CKNW New Westminster 1979-81; news CKVU-TV Vancouver, CBC-TV Vancouver, assignment editor CHAN-TV Vancouver then back to CBC-TV 1981-89; instructor Broadcast Journalism British Columbia Institute of Technology to 1989-2010; video producer current including documentary The Bridge about 1958 collapse of Second Narrows bridge 2018; Jack Webster Foundation award as co-producer of documentary Against The Current 2001; recipient 2nd Jack Webster Foundation Telemedia Fellowship for Broadcast Journalists 2002.  LinkedIn profile

John Orysik - Click for larger photo John Orysik - Producer/ host weekly afternoon drive jazz show The Wild Years CFRO-FM Vancouver 1976-current; CJAZ-FM/ CKKS-FM Vancouver 1982-85; on-air jazz programmer/ host CKKS-FM 1987-91; Co-Founder/ Media Director Coastal Jazz & Blues Society producers of Vancouver International Jazz Festival 1985-current

Arden Ostrander - Click to enlarge
Arden Ostrander - Reporter The Ubyssey UBC Vancouver newspaper mid-late 1960s; Vancouver Show CKVU-TV Vancouver 1970s; news producer NBC 1986-89; documentary producer/ writer ABC News Productions 1996-99; freelance production/ corporate videos Ostrander Productions 2001-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Dan O’Toole TSN - Click to enlarge Dan O'Toole - Broadcast program graduate Algonquin College Ottawa 1996; air traffic reporter CJJR-FM and CFUN Vancouver 1997-98; Sports Director CJOK-FM/ CKYX-FM Fort McMurray AB 1998-2001; Fort McMurray news reporter CFRN-TV Edmonton 2000; anchor/ reporter Citytv Vancouver 2001-02; Toronto reporter & host Sports Centre TSN Toronto 2002-current 

Kevin O'Toole - Click to enlarge Kevin O'Toole - BCIT Broadcast programme graduate; Entertainment Coordinator/ host The Cutting Room Floor CITR-FM Vancouver 1994-95; Technical Producer CKNW Vancouver & producer/ announcer including Nightside and reporter Stirling Faux Show WIC Network Operations Vancouver 1995-97; Television Producer Millennium International Communications, London UK 1997-2000; Business Development, Oyster Partners, London UK 2000-02; real estate Vancouver 2003-current

Robert Ouimet - Click to enlarge
Robert Ouimet - Announcer CDKM Dauphin MB 1971-74; announcer CFRY Portage La Prairie MB 1974-75; News Director CHQR Calgary 1975-79; morning host CKWG-FM Winnipeg 1979-80; Producer CBC Winnipeg 1981-85; Executive Producer CBC Toronto 1985-1986; Executive Producer CBC Vancouver 1986-2002; Area Head CBC Vancouver/ Toronto 2002-04; Area Head CBC Radio 3 Vancouver/ Toronto 2004-current; Partner At Large Media (new media consultancy) Vancouver current.  Robert's blog

Rick Ouston - Click to enlarge Rick Ouston - Reporter BCTV Vancouver 1984; freelance radio/ TV/ documentaries; journalism teacher Langara College Vancouver; reporter CBC-TV Vancouver 1985-89; reporter Vancouver Province 1989-91; reporter Vancouver Sun 1991-current and Convergence Editor 1997-current; author book Finding Family 1995. Died in Qualicum Beach August 31, 2020 at age 64

Ozzy Owens - Weekend evenings CHRX Vancouver early 1990s; Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association (CCTA) Entertainment Award for Excellence The Funny Pages Rogers Cable 4 Surrey 1994; CFMI-FM Vancouver mid 1990s  

Katelin Owsianski - Click to enlarge
Katelin Owsianski - BCIT Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/ Technician graduate 2015; Legal Assistant Tarrabain & Company Edmonton 2008-10; Social Host Carnival Cruise Lines 2010-12; airborne traffic reporter Canadian Traffic Network Vancouver 2018-20; traffic reporter Corus Entertainment Vancouver (CHMJ/ CKNW/ Global BC) 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile

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